Monday, September 30, 2019
Describe the functions Essay
Received assignment which is to cover element 3. 1 all PCs. My initial task is to Gather all relevant information on the basic data structures for storage and retrieval. I will research through lecture notes and the books BTEC Information Technology, BTEC in Computing, File structures theory and practice, as well as to search through the CD ROM Groliers Encyclopaedia. Take notes on any relevant Information 9/5/95 – 11/5/95 Research information on the way that Basic data structures are analysed for different applications. Research through above books and CD ROM’s and take relevant notes. 11/5/95 13/5/95 Find out about logical and physical file organisation, with regards to PC3 Element 6. 1 of the log book. Take notes on relevant Information. 13/5/95 – 15/5/95 16/5/95 18/5/95 Research information using methods as above with regards to how the physical file organisation is analysed in relation to different media, PC4. Make notes Research information to cover PC 5, which needs me to explain location and access methods. Use literature as above 19/5/95 Word process first draft, and take to tutor for first review After outcome of first review take tutors advice accordingly. 20/5/95 Check work to see if any important facts have been omitted, ask Tutor for a second review. After outcome of second review finalise any missing facts. Word process final draft, check the work for mistakes and hand in finished report for 1/6/95 Nicky Wilson GNVQ Advanced IT Investigate data Structure for storage and Retrieval Element 6. 1 Introduction The report will analyse basic data structures for different applications and physical file organisation in relation to different media. The report will also explain basic data structure for storage and retrieval, logical and physical file organisation and location and access methods. A data structure is essentially a number of data items, also called elements or nodes with some relationship linking them together. Each item consists of one or more named parts called fields occupying one or more memory locations in the computer. For instance a list of numbers occupying consecutive memory locations in a computer is a simple data structure. Array: This is an ordering of the data elements so that the data is able to be extracted in a logical fashion, shown below is a diagram showing an example of this 1 6 9 3 Dim x (3) Index value 7 4 4 1 Dim y (3) Index value Dim x (3,3) Index value 9 2 6 7 Dim y (3,3,3) Index value Stack: The stack is a data structure chacterized by the expression LIFO = Last in first out this means that most recent item added to the stack is the first one which can be removed from the stack. A stack pointer is used to keep track of the last item added to the stack, which is the current top of the stack. Stacks are frequently used for data temporary storage. One common application of stacks is for storing return addresses (link values) for closed routines. TOP SP BOTTOM A stack only has two operations PUSH: Add an item POP: Remove the top item. FULL & EMPTY: Stack pointer It can define maximum values only one end used. Queue: The data structure known as a queue has the same characteristics as the queues that we encounter in everyday life. A queue in a data structure in which elements are added only at the rear of the list and removed only from the front of the list. A queue structure is often given the name FIFO which stands for first In first out. Data in what we call a queue is not moved along like people in a cinema queue, instead each datum stays in its storage location until its turn comes, thereby reducing time spent in data movement. The use of pointers makes this possible. FRONT BACK JOIN HERE Take items from the front, add items to the end. List: Lists provide a flexible way of handling data items in order. Changes to the order can be achieved with minimal data movement and little loss of storage space These can be ordered can contain N > 0 items, each data is an element, 3, 4, 41, 62, 79, 8, 11 or FRED, JIM, ANDY, CHRIS, SID. Tree: The tree structure is an Hierarchical structure, the term tree refers to a non linear data structure in which nodes have two or more pointers to other nodes forming an hierarchical structure. The top node is called the root node The bottom node are called leaf (Terminal nodes) and the nodes are connected by branches. Shown below is an example of a tree structure showing how a record in a employee file may have the structure shown below. Works Number Name County Sex Post Holidays Status Nation`ty phone Street Town Age Service Dept Years Salary Entitmnt Storage & Retrieval For example in a banking organisation, the information that must be recorded could be information on a customers checking or savings account, on loan applications, about employees of banking institutions etc. Due to the four parts of information, each part is related to as a file, so the banking organisation must record the information in four separate file shown below. Checking Savings Loan Employee Accounts Accounts Applications File File File File Records: Are a collection of related fields, an example to show this could be a record of an accounts file, which contains four fields. Illustrated below is a diagram showing this. ACCOUNT NAME ADDRESS BALANCE 9783 – 59 -812 JOE BLOGGS BLOGGS AVENUE 1000. 89 Files: Logical is referred to as the external view of the file a logical file is nothing more than a collection of all logical data. Media Access: File storage media is of two main types, Serial access and direct access, below is a short explanation of the two. Serial Access media: This means that in order to access a particular record, it is necessary to read all records which precede it in the relevant file. An example of this storage medium is in normal cassette tape. A difficulty with this storage media is that there are no readily identifiable physical access areas on the medium which can be addressed, it is non addressable. Thus to look for an individual record the software needs to examine eachreco rd key field, in sequence from the start of the file until the required record is found. Direct access media: This allows direct access to a particular record, for example floppy or Hard drives. They have physical divisions which can be identified by computer software, as well as hardware, and can be addressable so that particular locations can be referred to by name or code, to retrieve a record which is shared at the location. Basic data structures are analysed for different applications Input / output Queuing and spooling Computer and printer everytime you print work out in room 107 YCC you go into a queue, it stores the information and prints it out in the order it went in. Queuing information uses first in first out. If it was more advanced, for example you needed to have certain priorities for printing ( small files first) to make the system more efficient you would need to use a list structure. Spooling is the other way round, putting things together ready to go out. It would be possible to use a queue data structure. Storage (tables, declarations, files, databases) Table for example containing storage devices. TABLE 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 Two dimensional, one column specifies, and one column specifies the row. Stored in a two dimensional array structure. Files are made up by a number of logical records. 1 Dimensional array Dimensional array Field Record Record Record Record Record Problem must contain the same type of information Each box of array can only store the same type of Information Retrieval: All structure storage and retrieval vary from structure to structure. It may use a tree, to extract information from a tree the name given is traversing the tree or tree walking, for simplicity we will use binary trees. The reason for this is that each node can only have two branches. Left Subtree Node Right Subtree A B C D E F G. Inorder Traversal: Traverse the left subtree, visit the node. Traverse the right subtree. = DBEEAFCG Preorder Traversal Start at Node A Traverse the left Subtree. = ABDECFG Post Order Traversal Traverse the left Traverse the right Return to the Root. (Node) = DEBFGCA. Searching For searching list and array structures. Compilation: is the process of translating a High level language into machine code (Basic, Pascal, FORTRAN) There are 3 main steps  Lexical  Syntax Analysis Data structures is what we are interested in  Code generation Lexical analysis: This involves breaking the input to the compiler into chunks, also known as tokens. Syntax Analysis: This involves checking whether the input tokens form valid sentences when put together. This process is known as parsing. The second process of syntax analysis involves determining the values of arithmetic expressions. Code Generation: The final stage of the compilation process, where the machine code is generated. Methods of Syntax Analysis Parse trees can be used to evaluate whether a statement has the correct syntax. Customer 27 Customer 6 Customer 33 Customer 49 Sequential access files These are the files where the records are stored one after another in a predetermined order. This is usually around the key field, when files of data are created you need a means of access to a particular record within those files. This is done by giving each record a key field by which the record can be recognised or identified. Examples of key fields could be Customer number in a customer ledger record Stock code number in a stock record  Employee clock number in a payroll record Customer 10 Customer 26 Customer 34 Customer 47. Indexed sequential file: Records are stored in a sequence like sequential, the important difference is that an index is provided to enable individual records to be located. Strictly speaking the records may not always be stored in sequence but the index will always enable the sequence to be determined. Illustrated below is an example of an indexed sequential file. 1 INDEX 2 3 1 . . 10 . 10 11 20 12 . . . 20 21 22 Random access file structure This allows the ability to retrieve a record without having to read all the records that appear before it in the file. it allows fast access to records it is ideally suited for Interactive systems. Physical file organisation is analysed to different media Magnetic tape. Because of the physical characteristics of magnetic tape it is necessary when processing a file that the tape unit starts to read the tape unit at the beginning of the tape. Magnetic tape is a low cost high storage capacity device, its advantages are that it is very cheap. Files can be organised two ways serial and sequentially. Shown below is a diagram showing how a file is arranged on tape both logically and physically. Block or physical record File I I header R1 R2 R3 R4 B R5 R6 R7 B R9 R10 R11 R12 †¦ label G G Logical Records Inter Block Gap. Magnetic Disk: Magnetic disk provides storage facilities far more flexible than magnetic tape. The surface of the disk is divided into physical locations. It is a direct access medium. Magnetic disk supports the following file organisation methods Serial, Sequential. CD ROM Uses tracks to store the data on, the tracks are very close together . They have a mass storage capacity, they can hold about 600Mb of information and are direct access medium. Latest CDs now allow you to put information on and keep adding to it. RAM Random access memory is Electrical memory, it is a temporary store for holding programs and data that has either been put into the computer from either disk, typed at the keyboard or input from some other device. This type of memory is called volatile memory that means that the contents of main memory can be destroyed, either by been overwritten or when the machine is switched off. It is direct access and very fast access, it has a limited capacity and is relatively expensive. Location and access methods are explained serial sequential order: The lowest value is at the top, and the highest at the bottom. You would start at the beginning and work your way, the advantage of using this way is if for instance if you wanted to find number 29, if by the time it gets to number 34 the value is not found, the search will be terminated immediately. If it wasn’t sequential you would have to go through the entire list. 4 13 26 34 If number 29 is not found by here, search will be stopped 97 102 Serial search: Using a serial search you would go through the files in each order, look through data items one at a time, from the start of the data structure to the end. This can be a very inefficient type of search because all of the data items must be examined unless the data is ordered. This is the only type of search that can be used with unordered information. Serial record search: This means that in order to identify and retrieve a particular record it is necessary to read all the records which precede it in the relevant file, until the file you require is found RECORD 1 RECORD 2 RECORD 3 RECORD 4 Evaluation I am happy with the outcome of the assignment, I feel that I have covered the criteria and the range that was required. The way I approached the assignment was as such, first of all I researched Information from the books Information Technology by Roger Carter, BTEC Computer Studies, Information Processing BTEC, A level BTEC and first degree computing. The next process was to decide which way, was the best way to try and cover the PCs and ranges for the unit were covered. Eventually I reached the conclusion that it would be easier for me to work through the PCs in the order that they appear in the log book. Thus starting with PC1. The other way I thought of approaching the assignment was to start by doing PC1 first but to try and bring in other elements of the ranges in accordingly. The reason why I opted out of doing it this way was because I thought that it would make it more difficult. The way that I tried to checked the validity of the Information was by, trying to compare the information that I had it with the different books and CD ROM’s to see if it was correct. This way proved hard. In my opinion it is hard to judge the validity of the information for this assignment, because certain areas relating to this subject is hard to find a wide range of Information on. I have not done the work as instructed on my action plan, I have had reviews by tutor earlier than stated in my action plan, the reason for this is because I have other assignments that need completing. If any criticism is to be applied to my work, I feel that I have not gone into depth with certain parts of the assignment, but elaborated too much on other areas. Bibliography Books and CD ROM’s Used Computer Studies for BTEC (3rd Edition) Geoffrey Knott, Nick Waites, Paul Callaghan, John Ellison. Business Education Publisher ltd. 1993 Information Processing for BTEC 2nd Edition Geoffrey Knott, Nick Waites, Paul Callaghan, John Ellison. Business Education Publisher ltd. 1990. A level, BTEC & first degree Computing by Nick Waites, Geoffrey Knott. Business Education Publishers Limited 1992 Information Technology by Roger Carter, first published 1991, reprinted 1992. Encarta encyclopaedia, Times, Guardian, Groliers Encyclopaedia (CD ROMS).
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Qar Reading Strategy Essay
Question-Answer Relationships, or QAR, is a reading comprehension strategy developed to aid in the approach that students take when reading texts and answering questions about that text. Students learn to categorize types of questions which in turn help them know where to find information. It encourages students to be active, strategic readers of texts. QAR outlines where information can be found â€Å"In the Text†or â€Å"In my Head. †It then breaks down the actual question-answer relationships into four types: Right There, Think and Search, Author and Me, and On My Own. (Fisher, D. , Brozo, W. G. , Frey, N. , & Ivey, G, 2011, pg. 81) STEP-BY-STEP and EXAMPLE Chosen text: Frog and Toad Together, by Arnold Lobel 1. Hook/Engagement–Begin by reviewing what students have already learned about how to ask questions as a way to understand the meaning of texts. For example using this reading asks them to talk about the kinds of questions they can ask before, during, and after reading. Next, introduce the idea that there are two kinds of questions you can ask about texts. Explain to students that an â€Å"In the Text†question is a question that students can find the answer to by looking in the book that they are reading. An â€Å"In My Head†question is a question that requires students to think about what their own knowledge is to answer the question. Review a book that you have recently read aloud with students. Write the example below on a piece of chart paper or on the blackboard. Choose a few â€Å"In the Text†and â€Å"In My Head†questions about the book that obviously belong to one category or the other, and have students tell you in which column to write the question. When you give students a literal question, have them show you where they found the answer in the book. When you ask them an â€Å"In My Head†question, go through the book with them and show them that they couldn’t find the answer in the book. Have them give answers to the â€Å"In My Head†questions and explain how they answered them ( thinking about what they have learned that is not in the book). Here are some examples of the two types: â€Å"In the Text†questions| â€Å"In my Head†questions| What is the title of the book? What is the author’s name? How long is the book? | Do I like the title? Have I read any other books by this author? How long will it take me to read this book? | Explain that they are going to learn more and ask these types of questions about a new book you are going to read together. 2. Measurable Objectives–Explain that you are going to read the first three chapters of Frog and Toad Together aloud to them, and they are going to help you make a list of â€Å"In the Text†and â€Å"In My Head†questions. Then, they are going to help you answer the questions and see how these types of questions will help them to understand the story. 3. Focused Instruction–Review with students the four types of questions explained in the QAR Strategy. Explain that there are two types of â€Å"In the Text†questions and two types of â€Å"In My Head†questions. Draw a copy of the QAR table on chart paper or on the blackboard or use an overhead projector. The table should look something like this: â€Å"In the Text†questions| â€Å"In My Head†questions| Right There| Think and Search| Author and Me| On my Own| Read the first chapter, â€Å"A List,†from Frog and Toad Together aloud to students. Next, write the questions listed below under the â€Å"Right There†heading. Read the questions aloud, look through the chapter, show the students where you found the answer, and then think aloud the answer. a. Right There i. What is the first thing Toad writes on his list? â€Å"When I turn to page 4, I see that the first thing Toad writes on his list is ‘Wake up. ‘†ii. Who is the friend Toad goes to see? â€Å"When I turn to page 9, I see that Toad goes to see Frog. †Next, write these questions under the â€Å"Think and Search†heading. Read the questions aloud and then think aloud the answers. b. Think and Search iii. What caused Toad to forget what was on his list? â€Å"I read that Toad’s list blew away and Frog did not catch it, so that is why Toad couldn’t remember what was on his list. †iv. How did Toad finally remember what was the last thing on his list was? â€Å"Frog reminded Toad that it was getting dark and they should be going to sleep – the last thing on Toad’s list. †Next, write these questions under the â€Å"Author and Me†heading. Read the questions aloud and then think aloud the answers. c. Author and Me v. What do you think of Toad’s list? â€Å"I think that writing a list of things to do is a good idea. But, Toad could have left off some things, like waking up or getting dressed, because he doesn’t need to be reminded to do that. †vi. Did you agree with the reason Toad gives for not chasing after his list? â€Å"No. I think that he should have chased after his list, even if it that wasn’t one of the things on his list. He couldn’t have written that on his list anyway because he didn’t know the list would blow away. †Next, write these questions under the â€Å"On My Own†heading. Read the questions aloud and then think aloud the answers. d. On My Own vii. Have you or somebody in your family even written a list of things to do? â€Å"Yes. I have written a list of things that I have to do on a weekend day because that is not like a school day. On weekends, I do lots of different things, so I have to write a list to remind myself of all the things I have to do. †viii. What would you do if you lost your to-do list and couldn’t find it? â€Å"I would look for it for a while and if I couldn’t find it, I’d write a new list of things to do. †4. This would be followed up with guided practice, independent practice, assessment, and the reflecting/planning. References Fisher, D. , Brozo, W. G. , Frey, N. , & Ivey, Gay. (2011). 50 Instructional Routines to Develop Content Literacy. Boston:Pearson. Jones, R. (1998). Strategies for reading comprehension: Question-Answer Relationships. Retrieved November 10, 2012, from http://www. readingquest. org/strat/qar. html TeacherVision. (2000-2012). Question-Answer Relationships. Retrieved November 10, 2012, from.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Nature and Nurture on the human development Essay
Nature and Nurture on the human development Introduction            In the history of human beings, there have existed a lot of theories discussing how nurture or nature influences the development of humans. Not only did this debate happen in the past, but also even today many individuals and nations are debating on this issue to decide which factor impacts more to the humans. To put it in the layman’s language, nature is the natural processes which are mostly inherited and hence cannot be changed. Nurture is the processes that are caused by the environment and these characteristics could be changed by the outer surrounding. So in this paper I will present the argument on the nurture impact on human behaviors.            The factors that affect the people’s perception and change their behaviors include: their own perception, the people’s perception about them, the societal or cultural believes and even what they view the surrounding. For instance the cloths have been seen to influence behaviors of people. For instance, a person wearing a doctor’s white coat has been proofed to be more attentive than when wearing a painter’s coat. According to the experimental social psychology journal, there is a finding that shows that people think not only with their brain but also their bodies. According to Dr. Galinsky, our thinking processes are based on the physical experiences that are seen to set off the associated abstract concepts and these experiences also include the cloths that people’s wear. It has been known for long now that people are perceived by others by the way that they dress. A person dressing in some manners can be perceived to be what a direct opposite of what they exactly are is. Many experiments that have been previously carried shows that ladies who dress in masculine cloths at the time of interview are more likely to be absorbed and also a person who wears the official cloths are mostly seen as more intelligent in a teaching assistant job and they are most likely to be hired than a person who dresses casually.            Also the way people perceive themselves is another nurture factor that affects mostly the people’s behavior. According to an article on â€Å"why men don’t last: self destruction as a way of life†, it is revealed that men commit more suicide than women. This could be explained by the way men have trained themselves and the way they feel that they are capable of handling their own problems without seeking any help from outside. This is owing to the fact that people who are more open to discuss their problems are mostly likely able to evade the suicide trap. It has been proofed that women are more open in discussing their problems and hence their suicidal cases are very minimal. Men always conceal their problems and this leads to them committing suicide. In the face of changing circumstances, men feel helpless and trapped but a woman takes risk of discussing the circumstance and hence they are novelty seekers and grea t risk takers. This is a behavior that is passed to all generations and hence changes the people’s perception.            In the article, â€Å"HERS; Why Boys Don’t Play With Dolls†, by Pollitt Nkatha, it is evident that for many years boys have been seen to incline on the trucks and guns but on the other hand girls mostly incline on wearing party dresses and holding Dolls. This could be explained through inborn hormonal influences along with the genetic configuration and the brain chemistry. Even though these factors hold, the surroundings shape the perception of these children to act in this trend for a long period of time. The behaviors which are perceived to be girlish are passed from generation to generation and this becomes a habit that is artificially inherited through nurture.            To conclude, nurture and nature both have great impact on the development of humans. The nature will decide the depositions of human being which can be changed by nurture. Nature will give the in born abilities but nurture will help to develop them. Nature gives the inborn attributes but nurture changes these innate attributes accordingly and this result to people having different lives hence nurture is the one that highly impacts on the behaviors of human beings and their development. References KATHA POLLITT. â€Å"HERS;Why Boys Don’t Play With Dolls†, October 8, 1995 â€Å"Why Men Don’t Last: Self-Destruction as a Way of Life†, February 17, 1999 SANDRA BLAKESLEE. â€Å"Mind Games: Sometimes a White Coat Isn’t Just a White Coat†, April 2, 2012 Source document
Friday, September 27, 2019
Component-based development Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Component-based development - Term Paper Example I have had an interest in computer science ever since I was young and this interest has never faded to-date. So far I have successfully completed by Bachelor and Master Degree in Computer Science, with a bias in software engineering, earning first class honors in each case. I have also managed to successfully complete several projects including conducting an analysis of a new social network, website design and designing of software using UML 2.0. Having had practical experience in various work environments, I feel that I need to acquire more knowledge so as to gain the capacity to solve some of the complex problems that different organizations face with respect to software design and engineering. It is for this very reason that I decided to undertake a PhD related to computer science. I am most interested in Component-Based Software (CBD) engineering. My interest in CBD follows my appreciation of the fact that software is getting more and more complex, and the need for safety, reliab ility and scalability is true in the marketplace. With CBD, I am confident that I will be able to solve complex software issues for an organization at affordably and therefore to the organization’s advantage.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
The Chinese Communist Partys Ideological Change Essay
The Chinese Communist Partys Ideological Change - Essay Example There have been many changes in the political systems and in particular to the ideology of the Chinese Communist Party, from 1978, when the then leader of the party and the country Deng Xiaoping began to initiate reforms and a movement towards a more market oriented economy. According to Misra (1998, p.272) and other scholars predicted the imminent decline and demise of the Marxist ideology in China, while other scholars who held a contrary opinion held that the ideology is not on its death bed; rather it is on its path to recovery (Brugger and David 1990, p.7). Ordinary Chinese citizens had become tired with the ideologies of the party and those of the its high profile leaders, it was perceived by the masses as more of a privileged society but less in touch with what is happening on the ground, this majorly began in the late 1990s. Currently, there is a general feeling amongst the populace that the Chinese Communist Party is riddled with corruption, and its sheer size complicates ef fectiveness of the party. Pro-democracy scholars and activist have a firm belief that the Party has lost its relevance in this century, and that the current leaders have lost legitimacy from the people and that they suffer from governance issues and this will ultimately lead to its collapse. After the death of the Chinese leader, Deng in 1997, majority of leaders in the west and particularly the United States predicted the collapse and adoption of ideologies of democracy in China. Most of them had predicted in the late 1990s that the regime would eventually collapse in the year 2010; this has happened, as the current leader is tightening these political policies but opening up the economy. In the
Critical Article Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Critical Review - Article Example His main aim in writing this article is to show the role black residents of Tennessee played in the Civil War in Tennessee, and the impact their presence had on the victory of the Union army. The article is a good read, although it is riddled with a lot of facts and figures regarding the United States Colored Troops regiments. This is one of its strengths as well; the effort Lovett must have taken in writing this article is apparent by his extensive referencing as well as his quotation of figures regarding the Colored Troops regiments. At the end of the article, he has presented a fact sheet, detailing the Colored Units and their battles and engagements between the period of 1863 to 1866. This is a clear sign of his methodical research and attention to detail. Lovett also tries to capture the human emotion behind the involvement of slaves in the Union Army. He gives anecdotal references, of course well-documented, with regard to the atmosphere of Tennessee and the condition of blacks therein. The article is clear in pointing out the aversion the rebel army had to arming blacks due to the racism very much prevalent and rife in the South, and this, Lovett, points out is what caused their defeat in the end. He makes out a very good case regarding how the Union Army took the opportunity of enlisting blacks and, thus, won the war.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Ethical Integrity in a Business Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Ethical Integrity in a Business - Research Paper Example St. Augustine, a medieval philosopher, based his concept of ethics on religious injunctions. He argued that persons should have compassion expressed in a Golden Rule: do not do unto others as you would have them do unto you (Hosmer, 1994). Modern philosophers such as Hobbes and Locke assailed that compassion is an ideal virtue in a world that is competing on resources and on political posts; people compete and take advantages (Hosmer, 1994). Thus, Locke and Hobbes proposed that people ought to moderate themselves from competition; maintain societal peace and to abide on laws (Hosmer, 1994). Bentham and Mill, proponents of utilitarianism, contend that business ethics is possible if people abide to fundamental rules and if those who are serving in the central government are bereft of self-interests (Hosmer, 1994). Both also proposed that there should be a measure on government laws and to evaluate the justice in all actions (Hosmer, 1994). Thus, an act is good if it’s helpful to the greatest number of persons benefitted. Kant, on the other hand, contended that there is universal rule and such must be free from decision-makers’ interests. Kant proposed that ethics must forbid any action one is unwilling to see from others if on similar situation, one would be encouraged to take (Hosmer, 1994). This is further elucidated by modern philosophers, Rousseau and Jefferson, who postulated that removing self-interest is impossible thus, civil rights are necessary to protect persons from arbitrary actions and to guarantee them freedom of speech, religion, assembly, and the like (Hosmer, 1994). It also protects civilians’ properties and liberties, following due process. Moreover, Rawls argued that ethics is based on distributive justice. He advocated for equitable distribution of wealth and services, especially for the disadvantaged in the communities (Hosmer, 1994). Rawls posit that this is possible through social contract. Nozick’s argued that liberty is the bulwark of what is morally upright. Liberty allows freedom from constraints, from laws and market. Under the concept of Social Contract, Nozick argued that no one should be allowed to interfere with the rights of others for self-development and fulfillment (Hosmer, 1994). Larue (1987) perceived that ethical issues relating to business management are most discussed as a relevant matter in human resource management. Hosmer (1987) posited that ethical issues are foremost considered when workers experienced being harmed or at a loss especially when the company undertakes restructuring or closure. Such add to common transactional details on legal and financial matters where ethical imperatives are sought to resolve an ethical dilemma that would considerably be right, proper, and just (Hosmer, 1987). Thus, it’s wise to integrate management’s moral obligation and ethics in strategic planning as part of corporate responsibility (Hosmer, 1994). This is essential to create an environment of trust and commitment among company’s stakeholders to ensure business leverage in the market and its economy (Homer, 1994). He cited that managers whose general
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Creative writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Creative writing - Essay Example Seeing that I had noticed her presence, there appeared a strange shine in the depth of the blackness of her eyes. "Do you know who I am" I sat there mutely surveying her. It was strange how I did not feel much fear at her presence, only a slight eeriness. I was overpowered by the urge to shout, not out of fear, but simply because there was something about her that sent a numbing chillness coursing through my veins. "So you still have not recognized me Look closely Shoba. Look really carefully." Seeing its reflection, standing right behind my back, it suddenly dawned on me what it was that she was trying to say. There was an eerie resemblance between her and me! It would have been grossly incorrect to say that she was my mirror image or my twin but the fact that there existed a resemblance could not be denied. "See what you will look like after decades of torture, self-denial. See what you will become once you are chained, once you barter your freedom at the hands of centuries of mind less conventions and traditions." "You lie!" I half-hissed, too weak to even shake my head with any vehemence. She made a small guttural noise, which I suspected to be a chuckle. "Think Shoba, even if my words do lie, can your eyes lie too Can what you see before yourself be denied You know deep down, this is what life will bring you. You know deep down that it will bring exactly what it brought your mother and to all those before her." I reeled from the onslaught of her words, knowing full well that my denial, no matter how forceful will not be able to erase the truth of her words. Being unable to bear it any longer I turned back, hoping against hope that it will disappear. God, it seemed, was not listening to my prayers that day, as she stood there facing me. "What did you think would happen to you" she asked, her tone turning harsher. "You thought you could buy yourself a newer and a better life without any reason or rhyme You though you were entitled to more Life is not a genero us goddess Shoba. It takes away much more than it gives. It has just received another sacrificial lamb at her altar. You have just become another Unspoken." She said retreating slowly, the sinister smile, never for one moment leaving her lips. I saw her dissolving into the wall like a delicate tendril of smoke. In a moment, the room was as silent as it was before. Only the sound of my heavy breathing punctured the heavy fog of silence. I limped, broken and dejected, to my bed, resting my head on the mattress, gazing absently at the bedstead whose floral patterns blurred into shapes of huge serpents right before my eyes. The silence only served to aggravate the hysteria mounting inside me till it became a huge ball, growing in the pit of my stomach, ready to burst out any moment. My life raced in front of my eyes like a motion picture. My school, my friends, all my precious hopes and dreams, all my intricate daydreams that I had kept hidden in some corner of my heart. What will I be now A faceless entity Existing only for the pleasure and convenience of my lord and master, who might or might not reciprocate my feelings of love and respect. My sole purpose in life is to be a good and dutiful wife - it was taught to me long ago. Is it possible that centuries of wisdom could be so wrong Or is it just my own mind, my own soul rebelling Suddenly I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Were those the footsteps of the man in whose hands my life and my destiny will be till the time of my death The door
Monday, September 23, 2019
See work below in description Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
See work below in description - Case Study Example Achieving a 20% price decrement is a challenge that can lead to closure of a firm if not well planned for. Givaudan management ought to come up with various strategies that focus on reducing its overheads in the production line. For instance, adopting automation in its production system may assist the firm in achieving this objective. Both automated handling and inventory systems are effective ways of reducing labor overheads. They allow a faster and a shorter production line as they eliminate much of human involvement in the production line. Second, ERP system in the line of production is an essential aspect that allows easy, faster and less costly tracking of a firms resources and its production capacity. It also allows the firm process and communicate its information with all stakeholders at the minimum cost. A third strategy is to eliminate any brokerage aspect in the supply channel between Givaudan and Tastyco to reduce the cost of supply (Rukstad, 2014). Merging deal with the competitor is another key alternative that can deliver Givaudan from the dilemma. This entails approaching the competitor in the same business line and sign an agreement to merge the two firms to a new firms based on common securities. The deal must be a friendly, horizontal and mutual one that benefits both firms. This eliminates the competition between Givaudan and Nan Ya. In any consideration of the strategic supplier, the new merged firm will scope the position. All the benefits accrued to one firm will be mutually benefiting the two firms (Rukstad, 2014). The reduction of the overhead costs has highlighted various strategies that can help Givaudan realize the objective. An automated system in both manufacturing and handling activities requires fewer workers to operate the system. This eliminates a substantial number of workers hence reducing labor costs (Rukstad, 2014). ERP system eliminates the cost of
Sunday, September 22, 2019
The achievement of civil rights so slow in the period 1954-1957 Essay Example for Free
The achievement of civil rights so slow in the period 1954-1957 Essay Why was the progress towards the achievement of civil rights so slow in the period 1954-1957? From 1954-1957 significant legal progress in the field of civil rights was made, thus instilling confidence in the black community, however due to a number of factors putting these achievements into practice was halted and so civil rights progressed at a slow rate throughout this period of time. In 1954 Brown Vs Topeka was brought before the Supreme Court, with Brown winning the appeal with a unanimous vote. This was a landmark verdict, due to the fact that the judge, Earl Warren had been newly appointed by President Eisenhower and was a Southern Republican, therefore he disobeyed Eisenhower with the decision. Eisenhower was later stated as saying, The biggest damn fool mistake I ever made. Therefore demonstrating the Presidents lack of support for the ruling. It was a triumph for the NAACP who had provided the lawyer Thurgood Marshall and had pushed the case through. It overthrew Plessy Vs Ferguson and so was expected to bring about a dramatic change for black civil rights. Although in principal Brown should have brought about a significant change, the progress from the court decision, to putting desegregation in schools into practice was very slow. This was partly due to the court hearing, as no date was set for when the desegregation of schools must be completed, this resulted in the whites ignoring the court hearing, so maintaining the same ignorant attitude as before. However the court decision had empowered the black community and so Brown II was brought before the courts in 1955, again however this did not result in a definite result. President Eisenhower was also a significant reason for the slow progress of civil rights. When he took over from President Truman, he inherited the beginnings of a strong civil rights campaign, however Eisenhower did not share this same drive. He failed to take substantial leadership towards enforcing the verdict, as he was afraid of stirring up opposition, resentment and disorder in the South. He also did not believe that it was appropriate to interfere in individual state matters, although general consensus suggests that if he had shown strong leadership then the bill would have been put into practice at greater speeds. He believed that race relations would gradually improve on their own accord. Although Brown Vs Topeka overthrew Plessy Vs Ferguson, after the ruling no steps were taken to desegregate public places, again showing the slow progress. However the black community were fed up and so decided to take the matter into their own hands with the Montgomery Bus Boycott. The black community in Montgomery was organised through the NAACP and led by Martin Luther King. Originally they only intended to boycott the buses for a day in order to achieve a more polite service from the bus drivers, employment of black drivers and the end of blacks standing when the bus was not full. However they met opposition from Montgomerys all white officials. This represents why progress was slowed down, as all decisions were met by substantial opposition from whites, forcing any actions to be dramatic, in order to get them to accept their views. This resulted in a yearlong boycott of the Montgomery buses in order to receive total desegregation on the buses. Within this time the White Citizens Councils membership doubled from 6000 to 12,000 from February to March. The boycott attracted national media coverage, showing that the greater publicity that the blacks attracted, the more the whites stuck together in order to create a strong opposition and prevent change. However in this case the blacks economic power was stronger than the white resistance and so in December 1956 the boycott was called off. This shows how much effort it took to achieve progress, however even then it was limited, as the success was only limited to the buses in Montgomery, however it acted as an example for other departments and cities, to what could be achieved through non-violent protests. This was also demonstrated in the case of Emmett Till. When the 14-year-old boy was murdered his mother decided to bring his body home to Chicago and have an open casket. This attracted 100s of the black population that dominated Chicago and the national press to attend. This mass of media coverage, not only united the blacks, and made the moderate whites aware and sympathetic of the cause, but it also ruined any chance of a fair trial. This is because the whites accused the NAACP of using the case as propaganda, so creating a Northern backlash. The southern population then closed ranks, making it harder to prosecute. This again shows that the more publicity that black civil rights was given, the greater the white opposition that they had to face. However this only made the black community more determined. The case of Emmett Till was significant as at first it showed some progress towards a fair trial, with the men accused of lynching arrested, usually they would not have been prosecuted, and a black man standing up and accusing a white man in court. However the jury was composed of 12 white males, and in the defences closing speech he said, I hope every last Anglo-Saxon one of you makes the right decision. Therefore again showing how when accused the whites stuck together. Again throughout this case Eisenhower gave no leadership and did not intervene, as he did not think that federal intervention was appropriate, and did not want to or aim to do anything to alleviate black problems, even when Emmett Tills mother requested his help. Showing again how little progress had been made. Throughout this time, there were strong black leaders, Martin Luther King, and people that The NAACP used for test cases, Rosa Parks and the 9 children in Little Rock. These set examples to the black community, that through courage and determination, slowly change was possible. However many were not willing to make this commitment, like the 16 children who changed their minds about attending Little Rock High School after passing the exam. This was due to the increasing white resistance and discrimination that they faced. Martin Luther King was arrested for doing 30mph in a 25 mph zone, and his house was bombed. As well as this death threats were sent to the childrens houses and they were spat at as they walked down the street. White resistance included the establishment of the Southern Manifesto, which was drafted by Senator Sam Ervin and promised to fight the Brown verdict by legal means. Showing that there was still huge resistance to change, and integration. So making it difficult for progress to continue. As well as this the establishment of the White Citizens Council, which was used as opposition in the Montgomery bus boycott. It was formed to protest the federal government acting dictatorially and seeking to impose its values and opinions on others. This acted as an excuse for Eisenhower, who had little intention of interfering anyway, again slowing down progress. On 3rd of September 1957 9 black children, who had sat and passed an entrance exam, attempted to enter Central High School. However they were met by a hostile crowd of white adults who blocked their way, while shouting abuse such as Nigers go back to the jungle. This was the first significant step towards putting the Brown decision into practice and so attracted a lot of criticism. It signified that the ruling met tremendous grass-roots resistance when put into practice. And so although blacks tried to push segregation, it was clear that it would take a long time for the whites to accept it. On top of this neither local nor national authorities were keen to enforce Brown, which was shown by Governor Faubus. He decided to exploit white racism in this situation, in order to ensure re-election. In this way he stirred up the crowd and ordered the Arkansas National Guard to bar the school, sending a strong message of hatred to the black students. The images of harassment and violence towards the children by aggressive white adults, again, like in the case of Emmett Till acted as propaganda. This was a victory for the NAACP as it created a wide spread moderate opinion. However Faubus who closed all the schools in Little Rock in1959, preventing black or white from attending, in order to prevent integration, again showing that more than a court decision was needed in order to establish desegregation, again slowed progress down. As a result of the crowds and harassment of the children at Little Rock Eisenhower was forced to act. He had attempted to negotiate a settlement with Faubus, however the children were still not allowed to enter the school and the white violence in the streets became more aggressive, so Eisenhower sent in 10,000 troopers of the Arkansas National Guard. This was significant, as he had said that he could never envisage sending in federal troops to enforce federal court rulings. This was the only time in the 1950s that Eisenhower used his federal authority to intervene in the Brown decision. In this way the children were permitted to enter the school, signifying how the process could have been sped up, if he had acted sooner. However his actions were due to an, inescapable responsibility for enforcing the law, rather than a belief in integration. Again showing his lack of leadership and commitment to the cause, meaning that it was hard to put the brown decision into practice. In 1957 a Civil rights bill to ensure the black vote was proposed, however again this met criticism. Democratic senators worked to weaken the bill, as they thought it would damage national and party unity. Again Eisenhower showed little leadership, claiming that he did not really know what was in the bill and so did not fight to keep it intact. Along with the filibustering by Storm Thurmond, it resulted in a much weakened bill, not allowing blacks to exercise the right to vote as those who were prosecuted with obstruction would be tried in an all white jury and let off. This shows that from 1954-57 little progress was made, as although ideas are initially passed when put into practice it takes along time for them to be accepted, and so slow progress is made. To conclude from the evidence above it is clear that the building blocks of a strong civil rights campaign were begun between 1954-57, with the shocking legal decision of Brown Vs Topeka. However it is shown that although a decision was made in court, it does not mean that putting it into practice will be quick or easy. It shows that the more united the black community was and the harder that they pushed for change, the more stubborn the whites became, so making the changes impossible to implement without a fight. This case was not helped by the lack of leadership from Eisenhower, as his silence was interpreted as a lack of support for the cause, so discouraging other whites to back it. The lack of progress is shown by the fact that by 1964, a whole 10 years after the Brown decision, only 2/3 of the USAs black high school students attended de-segregated high schools. Therefore it is clear that between 1954-57 the achievement of civil rights progress was slow.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Reflective Essay on Empowering Healthcare Professionals
Reflective Essay on Empowering Healthcare Professionals This reflective account is going to explore a lecture that has changed my perception since the start of the nursing programme. I have chosen Gibbs (1998) reflective model to explore what I have learned, what my thoughts were before the lecture and changes. Therefore, to demonstrate an awareness of my learning outcome. I would also be covering how this has helped me to develop an understanding on what to do during my practical placement. The NMC code 2015 outlined standards and core values nurses must follow, therefore, our lectures focused around these to empower healthcare professionals to adapt to and deliver a quality service. The lecture I would be exploring emphasised on dignity, importance of dignity and how to encourage it. On a personal account, I thought I had a broad understanding of how to promote patients dignity. Nevertheless, after three hours of lesson on the subject, I have realized that there is a lot more to it. Dignity is a broad topic when properly studied. Dignity is a powerful tool that can determine a persons life and relationship with others suggested by Hinks, D. 2013. The poem what do you see? RCN, 2017, demonstrates the power of dignity. The poem represents a woman who is beseeching to be seen for who she is, not an old woman but someone who had lived a full life with feelings and emotions reinforcing the value of providing person centred care (RCN,2017). My feelings throughout the lesson changed considerably, leaving me to desire more of the lesson. Matti and Baillie (2011) proposed dignity as our innate value, merit and worth as human beings. To this end, the lecturer emphasized on respect making it clear that respecting people and making them feel worth is not just about caring for them, rather, it takes into consideration the whole process of how we approach and visually demonstrating dignity to the patients. I found that the NMC code (2015), stressed that as nurses, we have a duty of care to reach out for the physical, emotional, psychological, social and spiritual needs of our patients. So, give a holistic care by taking into consideration the individual as a whole. Hence, we need to prioritize patients care and dedicate time to them by preserving and promoting dignity through effective communication and supportive relationships. Emphasizing on these, it incorporated within me a sense of awkwardness and to realise how significan t it is for me as a person to be valued. Following the Poem What do you see? (RCN, 2017) I understood how patients are treated inhumanely. I felt like it is more dangerous to ignore patients emotion as this may have a huge impact on their personality It made me apprehended that, as a student nurse my responsibility is to work as part of a safeguarding team to raise concerns when I come across things that endanger patients worth and value according to the Local Government Association (2012). I found social care Act 2012 and CQC (2016) reinforcing on the link between dignity, quality and safeguarding indicating that the nurses, however, were not promoting dignity and therefore do not portray a good quality service so safeguarding is likely to decrease. The lecturer, also, underpinned the importance of personal appearance which connects to the concept of dignity because of the way uniform makes nurses feel and behave and how their appearance has an impact on patients supported by Chochinovs (2007) ABCD Framework (attitude, behaviour, compassion and dialogue) which reinforces essential things nurses need to be aware of when delivering care. Subsequently, this lesson appeared to pose more challenges. I felt highly challenged to question and evaluate on the type of staff I might be. I was challenged to think differently following Chochinovs (2007) self-awareness tool which got me thinking about if I would be able to provide a quality service to my patients while trying to promote dignity and what challenges I might face when dealing with safeguarding issues. However, after reflecting on myself and considering my attitude, behaviour, how I show empathy and compassion through communication, I felt confident to go out there and to demonstrate what I have learned with patients. I now feel like I am competent enough to fully and independently care for a person thus building a supportive relationship with them (Chochinovs 2007). Furthermore, this lecture helped me to comprehend the impact we as nurses can have on a patient as a person. In conclusion, dignity is how people feel, think and behave in relation to their worth or value. To treat someone with dignity is to show them as being worth and valued in a way that is exalt their diversity. Dignity may be endorsed or reduced by the physical setting, structural principles, approaches and conduct of others. When dignity is present, people feel in control, relaxed and able to make decisions for themselves, whereas when it is absent people feel devalued and lack control. Therefore, in my placement, I would do all the necessary things to ensure the value and worth of my patients, thus considering an approachable method of communication and rapport by making them feel at ease. Also, using person-centred care and empathy (RCN 2016). References: CARE QUALITY COMMISSION (CQC). 2010. Essential standards of quality and safety. London: HMSO. Chochinov (2007). Preserving patients dignity lends value to end of life: AHC Media: (accessed 24/02/17) Gibbs (1988) Reflective cycle. Available at: (Accessed 24/02/17) Hick, D. (2013) What Is the Real Meaning of Dignity? Psychology today. Available at (Accessed 27/02/17) LGA (2012) Dignity, quality and safeguarding adult: Establishing Local Health Watch Health. Available at (Accessed 24/02/17) MATITI, M.R. and BAILLIE, L., eds., 2011. Dignity in Healthcare: a practical approach for nurses and midwives. London: Radcliffe. NURSING MIDWIFERY COUNCIL (NMC). 2015. The code: Standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives. London: NMC RCN (2017) Dignity and me: Available at: (Accessed 24/04/15)
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