Thursday, November 28, 2019
We Googled You free essay sample
The wind was howling and relentless as Fred Westen opened the door and called upstairs to tell his wife that he was home. While he waited or her to come down, he poured himself a shot of whiskey, tilting the decanter with his left hand. In his right he grasped the morning’s Wall Street Journal. The CEO of the luxury apparel retailer Hathaway Jones wanted to hear his wife’s reaction to a story. Martha Westen walked almost languorously down the stairs. She went to the kitchen, poured herself a cup of tea, strolled into the living room, and nestled in her favorite chair by the ?re. Fred handed her the paper and directed her attention to the front page. There she found an article about how an insurer had rejected a woman’s claim for disability because of chronic ack pain, based on information the company had obtained from her psychologist’s notes. We will write a custom essay sample on We Googled You or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Martha shook her head. â€Å"It gets worse every day,†she shuddered as she envisioned a future in which everyone’s medical records were posted online. â€Å"Even our thoughts aren’t private anymore. †At 58, Martha didn’t pretend to be an expert on shared online content or anything else to do with the Internet. All her information was limited to what she read in the popular press. Which was just enough to keep her up at night. â€Å"It’s what I keep on telling you, Fred. There are no secrets now, and we’re just going to have o learn how to live with that. †Martha fell silent, staring moodily at the ?ickering ? re. Fred was almost relieved when the telephone rang. He jumped up to grab the receiver. At the other end of the line was John Brewster, Fred’s old roommate at Andover and now a stringer for a number of U. S. newspapers in Shanghai. Although the two had not stayed close after prep school, they still exchanged Christmas letters and called each other occasionally. The men spent a few minutes catching HBR’s cases, which are ? ctional, present common managerial dilemmas and offer concrete solutions from experts. arvard business review †¢ june 2007 page 1 W e Googled You †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ †¢H BR C A SE S T UDY up and then John eased the conversation around to his daughter, Mimi. Now in San Francisco, Mimi had heard that Fred planned to expand the Philadelphiabased Hathaway Jones into China, and she wanted to be part of the move. All business now, she grabbed her bag, her BlackBerry, and her keys and ran out to catch the ? ight to Philadelphia. Bullish on a China Shop Fred left the house at 5:30 AM every day for his of? ce at 1 Constitution Road. He had a lot of work to do, and there was not a moment to waste. Despite sales of $5 billion in 2006, Hathaway Jones had fallen on hard times. Four years ago, the privately owned U. S. retail chain had recruited Fred because of his imposing credentials and a lifetime’s experience of working with luxury brands and had charged him with waking up the company’s sleepy, onservative stores. It hadn’t been easy.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Free Essays on Farenheit 451
Fahrenheit 451 Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury is a futuristic novel, taking the reader to a time where books and thinking are outlawed. In a time so dreadful where those who want to better themselves by thinking and by reading are outlaws as well. Books are burned physically, and ideas are burned from the mind. Bradbury uses literary devices, such as symbolism, but it is the idea he wants to convey that makes this novel so devastating. Bradbury warns us of what may happen if we stop expressing our ideas, and we let people take away our books, and thoughts. That is what he is speaking out against. Bradbury incorporates symbolism into his book. He expresses it through the symbols the hearth and the salamander, the phoenix, and the great fire. Bradbury's use of symbolism throughout the novel makes the book moving and powerful. The Hearth and the Salamander, the title of part one, is the first example of symbolism. The title suggests two things having to do with fire. The hearth is a source of warmth and goodness, showing the positive, non-destructive side of fire. Whereas a salamander, a small lizard-like amphibian, and also in mythology, is known to withstand fire without getting burnt by it. Perhaps the salamander is symbolic of Guy Montag, who is being described as a salamander because he works with fire, and endures it, but believes that he can escape the fire and survive. On the other hand, ironically, the other firemen believed that they were salamanders too because they thought they were immune to the all might flames, when in the end it were the flames that destroyed them. The symbol of a Phoenix is used throughout the novel. This quote accurately describes the Phoenix, "It is known to be a mythical multi-colored bird of Arabia, with a long history of artistic and literary symbolism, the Phoenix is one of a kind. At the end of its five-hundred-year existence, it perches on its nest of spices and sings until sun... Free Essays on Farenheit 451 Free Essays on Farenheit 451 Fahrenheit 451 Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury is a futuristic novel, taking the reader to a time where books and thinking are outlawed. In a time so dreadful where those who want to better themselves by thinking and by reading are outlaws as well. Books are burned physically, and ideas are burned from the mind. Bradbury uses literary devices, such as symbolism, but it is the idea he wants to convey that makes this novel so devastating. Bradbury warns us of what may happen if we stop expressing our ideas, and we let people take away our books, and thoughts. That is what he is speaking out against. Bradbury incorporates symbolism into his book. He expresses it through the symbols the hearth and the salamander, the phoenix, and the great fire. Bradbury's use of symbolism throughout the novel makes the book moving and powerful. The Hearth and the Salamander, the title of part one, is the first example of symbolism. The title suggests two things having to do with fire. The hearth is a source of warmth and goodness, showing the positive, non-destructive side of fire. Whereas a salamander, a small lizard-like amphibian, and also in mythology, is known to withstand fire without getting burnt by it. Perhaps the salamander is symbolic of Guy Montag, who is being described as a salamander because he works with fire, and endures it, but believes that he can escape the fire and survive. On the other hand, ironically, the other firemen believed that they were salamanders too because they thought they were immune to the all might flames, when in the end it were the flames that destroyed them. The symbol of a Phoenix is used throughout the novel. This quote accurately describes the Phoenix, "It is known to be a mythical multi-colored bird of Arabia, with a long history of artistic and literary symbolism, the Phoenix is one of a kind. At the end of its five-hundred-year existence, it perches on its nest of spices and sings until sun...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Crime control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Crime control - Essay Example Whenever such a crime takes place, first there is a process of justification for the action that was allegedly conducted. After that all the possibilities are analyzed that is related to particular crime. Therefore, the person is under a trial. Honesty is of the most important purpose of all the trials. (Pollock, 2007) If there will be no honesty then there will be no one who will get justice. All the judges have to be honest to give justice to everyone. All the witnesses have to be honest. Therefore honesty and justice goes together. Today justice occupies the part of morality that is identified with the good or someone getting justice. Without honesty there will be injustice, evil and wrongness everywhere. Today the current legal system works justice is usually equated with honesty. An honest justice system would give that justice to everyone. (Pollock, 2007) This paper will also discuss about the ethical consideration that are affecting the criminal justice system in many different ways. It explain in great detail about how these ethical issues are affecting our criminal justice system, complainants, the accused, the criminals, the complainants and the law enforcers . This paper also explains the due process model. The main purpose of the due process is to protect the rights of the accused and it provides a system of safeguard that will help in combating the abuse within the law enforcers and the crime control model which promotes the reduction and elimination of crimes by the agents of law and the police. (Close, & Meier, 2004) When it comes to understanding the Criminal Justice System there is a question that everyone asks about, does honesty always help to get justice Justice is defined as a system of law or scheme law in which every person gets his or her due from this system, including natural and legal rights, while honesty is very important in telling the truth or freedom from fraud or deceit. Whenever there is crime committed around the world, with a possibility that it may be even every hour however, but not all of criminals who commit these crimes end up in jail for many different reasons. The first reason is that the criminals are not caught by the concerned authorities and even if they are caught by the police, they use top lawyers who will provide legal justification for the crime committed by a particular criminal. (Close, & Meier, 2004)But if the rationale for justice is ignored then the freedom from deceit will not necessarily lead to justice. Sometimes after detection of a certain crime, Jus tice and punishment are the most vital areas in international Justice and crime. If a common man is a victim of kidnapping, robbery, domestic violence, murder and any street abuse then the victims seek the guidance and assistance FBI and police personnel for bringing justice by implementing different legal actions and criminal procedures. Every country of the world has its own law or state law of policemen who possess authority and every right on the citizens of that country who are caught red-handed with solid evidence at the time of commitment of crime. (Poulin, & Nemeth, 2004)
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Key Concepts in economics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Key Concepts in economics - Assignment Example The main points included in the article (Porter, 2015a) are; 4. The innovation through government and corporate funded R&D have generated large revenue streams. However, the beneficiary organizations have not shared the funding bodies in profits and reinvestment in R&D has been limited. 5. Since corporations are moving away from research spending, they tend to buy innovative start-ups from small businesses. Scientists and universities have also been encouraged to commercialize innovation funded by taxpayer’s money (Porter, 2015a). Investment in R&D sector powers technological innovation, which helps to optimize the use of existing resources and capabilities, creates jobs and improves living standards. It enables sustainable economic growth provided that there are constant returns to the R&D sector. Innovation through research and development therefore has a positive correlation with per capita GDP in both the developing and developed worlds. However, it has been found that large markets encourage innovation through R&D, while the rest benefit from their knowledge stock and spill-over (Ulku, 2004). This allows emerging markets to grow faster by embracing existing technologies, while developed markets experience periods of stagnation due to foreign competition and limited funding directed towards R&D. The ever increasing restrictions on economic activities, such as environmental protection regulations, in the developed world also slows down the progress in terms of GDP. However, aside from poor regulations whic h can lead to additional costs in R&D, many regulations are aimed at social welfare initiatives usually not captured in the GDP measurements. Thus, the GDP growth figures in such contexts can often be misleading (The Economist, 2013a). The innovation driven boom and bust may remain invisible in GDP measurements and sometimes even reveals its shrinking. For instance, the spending of a person on telephone calls
Sunday, November 17, 2019
HEALTH LAW AND ETHICS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 17
HEALTH LAW AND ETHICS - Essay Example In addition, in every workplace there should be prevention programs provided to employees to mitigate risks and crisis in case of occurrence. It is a fact that employees usually learn to improve their performance mostly by learning from their mistakes. Therefore, management should usually correct employees in a polite way when they are wrong, teaching them on how to avoid repeating mistakes and giving adequate guidance and support. Consequently, as workers repeat duties many times, they learn how to be efficient and improve on their weak areas. However, training programmers are very important since they equip employee with skills that they require to perform their duties, and these will improve employee performance in general and reduce mistakes. Good communication between patients and caregivers will enhance understanding between the two, and will ensure that the best care is given to the patient because the caregiver will understand the patient’s needs and will accordingly attend to the needs. The caregiver should be encouraged to act in good faith and this can be done by keeping a good communication and a warm relationship between the caregiver and the patient. It is ethically required that a caregiver to exercise due care for the interest of the patient and to act in good faith especially when the patient’s conditions are critical. Therefore, administrators should always ensure that caregivers adhere to ethical principles while communicating with the patients to ensure that there is a cordial relationship, which is essential in the treatment of the
Friday, November 15, 2019
Research Report On Steve Jobs Media Essay
Research Report On Steve Jobs Media Essay This report examines Steve Jobs early history, educational background, family life, key influences, a discussion of Steves personal philosophy about his field, quotations and important milestones in his career as well as major contributions to the IT industry and personal reasons to his success. It includes the adoption of Steven by Paul and Clara Jobs, his attendance to Homestead high school and his brief attend dance to Reed College. This report includes a look into Steves personal life which involves Daughter Lisa as well as a look into his Key Influences which had been HP engineers the simplistic goal of using computers to do creative work and making life easier. The report summarized quotes on management and creativity that have imprinted clearly in the minds of his followers. We review his creations of Apple I, Apple II, Lisa, Macintosh, NeXT Inc, Pixar, Mac OS X, the iPod, the iTunes Music, the iPhone and the iPad and it concludes with my personal reasons for Steve Jobs succes s. The purpose of this report is to examine the life Steve Jobs. This report will be including different aspects which will include a discussion of his early history which includes his educational background as well as family background, it will include the people and situations that have influenced him, his personal philosophy and several quotations he lives by, some important milestones in his long career, his major contributions to the industry as well as reasoning for his continuous success. The resources used to compile this research report have ranged from websites devoted to Steve Jobs, television websites, blogs, online business articles as well as online IT articles. The goal of this research paper will be to include the most important details of his life which have helped him achieve his level of success in the business field as well as the IT. Early history Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco in 1955. He was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs of Santa Clara, California. Steve attended high school in Cupertino. He temporarily enrolled in Reed College in Portland, Ore., but dropped out. Jobs went back to California and got a job with Atari, where Wozniak had also worked. Educational background Homestead High Steve was usually bored in school, as he explains with own words, Figure 2 Figure 1 Mr. McCollums ELectronics 1 Class (Steve in the middle) Steve attended Homestead High School. He enrolled in McCollums electronics class. McCollum recalled of one time when Steves entrepreneurial skills showed up. He had called up Bill Hewlett himself, who was the co-founder of HP, to obtain extra parts for his homework. He had also inquired about a summer job in his factory. Steven and Steve Wozniak (Woz) met in 1969, introduced by classmate Bill Fernandez when they were 14 and 19. Woz was working on a little computer board with Bill which they called the Cream Soda Computer. Reed College Steve finished high school and he decided to go to attend Reed College, in Oregon. Even though tuition for Reed was so expensive that his parents could hardly afford it, Steve had his heart se on that institution. He only stayed for a few of months before he dropped out. On the bright side of things, this allowed him to attend classes that were not part of his program. While at Reed, Steve began researching Eastern mysticism. He became a fruitarian. He also began practicing fasting for extended periods of time and used LSD or rare occasion. The Jobs family Since Steve had been born of wedlock in the 1950s, he was given up for adoption. His mother, Joanne, had a college education and insisted that her boy do the same. Unfortunately, his adoptive parents, Paul and Clara, could not meet her expectations as they were a lower-middle class couple. Paul Jobs had not even graduated from high school. Personal life Steve had a baby girl name Lisa. Years past, and he began to recognize his 9-year-old daughter Lisa as family. She gradually spent more time at his home in and he even brought her to NeXTs offices from time to time. He started to get genuinely occupied in her schooling. Key Influences Steves early influence came to be HP engineers. They played an important role in his life. They came to be the first to introduce the Steve to electronics. This had become his number one hobby when he entered Homestead High. What inspired Steve Jobs in the long run was simplicity, ease of use and using computers to do creative work as well as make life easier. He always looked up to Sony, who created consumer electronics business. The Steve Jobs Philosophy Steve Jobs considers he was appropriate to build great products and being enthusiastic about them. He believes he is best for finding a group of capable people and producing equipment with them. His personal philosophy is that everything begins with a great creation. He believes in listening to customers even though customers are not able to tell you about the next breakthrough. He goes on to say, Quotes Steve Jobs has influence many people. He is able to guide and teach them from his perspective on many different topics. Here are some quotes he is most memorable for on Management and Creativity. Important Milestones and Major Contributions Apple I Figure 5 Page 5 An Apple I computer Apple was born in April 1, 1976. With the introduction of the Apple I, the computers made its first sale a few weeks later by Paul Terrel, who has just founded a new chain of computer stores called the Byte shop. He wanted to buy 50 apples at $500 per computer. While the first Apples were made of just a circuit board, the following models, which were all assembled in the Jobs famous garage, were delivered in a wooden box. Apple II The company received 300 orders for Apple, twice as much as the total number of Apple Is sold. By January of 1978, Apple was valued $3,000,000. The first disk drive for the Apple II became available in early 1978. This allowed armature programmers and amateur hackers to write, increasing the number of programs available quickly. Since there were no personal computers on the market other than the Apple II, Apple became the company of personal computers. Lisa In early 1979, Steve decided he would launch his own distinctive project, a computer whose success, unlike the Apple II, could not be attributed to Wozs great talent. He decided to call it LISA. LISA was the first personal computer involved with the mouse feature making it user-friendly. LISAs price ran at $10,000. Macintosh Steve wanted to be involved in the development of Apples future products. And he was worried that the Lisa would not be as great a computer as he had envisioned. Apple III came with an introduction that took place with great fanfare in the summer of 1980 at Disneyland. The computer turned out to have major design flaws and the first 14,000 models had to be returned to the company. NeXT Inc. Jobs tried began again with a new company called NextStep. He was to build a next generation of PCs incomparable to Apple, but it didnt happen. After struggling for eight years, NextStep had closed its hardware division. Jobs realized he needed to turn his attention to the software side of the computer industry. NextStep had to revolutionize the industry with its new operating system software which incorporates object-oriented programming allowing big complex programs to be assembled smaller. NextStep introduced its first machine, the Cube. NextStep made it easier for in-house programmers to modify software to handle significant parts in their companies. Figure 6 Toy Story released on November 22 In the 1970s, a shared a dream of making animated movies with computers caught the attention of Steve. Steves other company; Pixar was working on a graphical workstation dedicated only to processing visual data. Disney decided to sign a deal with Pixar for a full feature film which was made completely with computers. When Toy Story was released on November 22, it surpassed every hope that Pixar and Disney had. Success after success was released from the animation studio. A Bugs Life in 1998 and Toy Story 2 in 1999 and Monsters Inc. released in 2001. The company had stretched out and was ready to release a fresh movie every two years. Mac OS X The iPod revolution The iPod is an important element of Apples vision of the digital way of life. The unique iPod distinguished itself from rivals for several reasons. Its look, its click wheel and user interface that made browsing music albums easy and fast. It also had a hard drive which stored 5GB. The iTunes Music Store Steve Jobs launched the iTunes Store in 2003. It was the beginning of a revolution. Since iPod was already a triumph, but it was now becoming so successful that it personified the digital music era all in one brand. iPhone The iPhone project happened in 2003. He had made a agreement with Cingular who knew that the only way to boost its earnings was by charging users for their rising use of data online. Its most innovative element was its touch-screen display. iPad Steve Jobs finally introduced iPad, a much-anticipated touch screen tablet. In the beginning of 2010, Steve Jobs finally unveiled iPad to the world. Personal Reasons for Success There are many reasons for success. One was that he allowed individuals to have abilities that they could have never before imagined. He had an enormous vision, but always kept in mind the precise detail of every step. This made him a real perfectionist. One of the traits that made him stand out among everyone else was his attention to minimalism. His success is attributed to the relentless pursuit of user-friendly gadgets. His perspective always focused on what the users experience will be. He believed on consumer testing and showing his customers his products so they can test drive them. He has always been famous for his decisions on stunning designs and for recruiting the best people for the job. The introduction of Apples latest operating system, Mac OS X, was the product of three years of hard work. Mac OS X began in 2001 and became the foundation of Apples resurgence and current success. Another reason for his success is the increasing habit of writing emails to customers just as he has been known to do so for years. Usually, he has used them to openly answer questions about Apple or to spread gossip himself. The last reason would be his implication on charity issues. With large donations to charities, he was able to speak openly about organ donations in 2010 and played a significant role in creating the nations first organ donor registry. Conclusions Apple was on the verge of bankruptcy at one point and is now one of the most influential and leading high-tech company in the world. It is a leader in the music and telephone companies, and a likely powerhouse for future decades. Pixar is the most thriving movie studio in Hollywood and it has defined the future of animation. The founder of these companies, Steve Jobs, is now regularly nominated one of the worlds most significant business leaders. He has made many lives much simpler by creating technology that is seamless, exciting, intuitive and beautiful, instead of dull and complicated. With his current success, he is surely to continue to build his brand as years pass.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Alcohol and its Effects Essay -- essays research papers
Alcohol and its Effects      Alcohol is a substance that has become a part of the social settings in today’s world. Many people can say they have drunk alcohol and most can even remember their first sip of beer. Whether it was given to us by our parents or at a social engagement, everyone has encountered alcohol in their lives. But as responsible people, have we ever stopped to realize that we are taking a drug in to our system that is both harmful and addictive? Alcohol affects a wide range of digestive-system disorders such as inflammation of pancreas and cirrhosis of the liver. The central and peripheral nervous systems can be permanently damaged causing blackouts, hallucinations, and extreme tremor may occur. As if the there was not enough effects from alcohol, vitamin deficiency is also one of the major effects cause by alcohol causing folate and thiamine deficiencies. Though there are a variety of drinking patterns and the range of injuries among alcohol abusers, some are mild an d can recover on their own with the right tools and techniques. Others are critical and need hospitalization and prolong rehabilitation with custodian supervision.      Ten percent of the adult drinkers in the United States are considered alcoholics or at least they experience drinking problems to some degree. There is about 5% of ethyl alcohol in a beer, 7-14% in table wine, 20% in fortified wind such as Sherry, and 40% in distilled spirits a...
Sunday, November 10, 2019
American Contibution to the Philippines Essay
Contribution of American to the Philippines 1. Independence – America helped the Philippines to eliminate the Spaniards in the country thus helping the Filipinos to end the suffering from the Spanish reign. This was the first step of the country to stand on their own and start a new beginning. 2. Government -we adapted and patterned some of our constitution with the Americans’. 3 Sports – Filipino favourite sport had been basketball, and other foreign sports instead of the national sports which is sipa. 4. Western style of clothing – this was also adapted as it is evident with the radical change from the conservative Maria Clara to the daring trends of fashion of the modern era 5. Communication – The Americans brought English, the lingua franca of the modern world 6. Principles – progressive liberal ideologies such as egalitarianism, democracy and equality 7. Education – they endowed an educational system patterned after that of the U.S. They sent educators in the Philippines which are known as Thomasites. However, American style of re-education was amero-centric in nature, causing Philippine society to self stigmatize itself in favor of American-centered products and ideologies. Effects of American Colonization in the Philippines. Effects of American Colonization in the Philippines.The effects of American imperialism on the Philippines are numerous. Some, however, stand out, most notably the installation of an American-style democracy and the prevalentattitude that anything American is â€Å"good†. Many of those in lowland Philippines, and most of the Christian population, for that matter, grew up in an increasing Americanizedsociety. The following American influence in the Philippines says it all: 1. Government -Partisan politics was one of the influences of the Americans on our government. Partisan politics means a politics that is devoted to or biased in support of a certain party, group or cause. Another effect of Americans in the government is the implementation of municipal elections. But after the creation of bicameral legislature, the election in the Philippines turned to be like the election of the Americans. Electors began to spend a lot just to win the election, and they began to think of their own personal welfare instead of the welfare of the Filipino people. Thus many of the American’s political practices were soon found in the Philippine archipelago. But this doesn’t mean that Americans contributed negative effects on our government but instead we learned the intricate machinery of the government, we learned how to make and governs laws. 2. Religion -During the Spanish colonization, the Filipino people were forced to convert their religion into Christianity (Roman Catholic). But after the colonization of the Spanish, Americans came and changed the religion into Protestantism which was the religious beliefs of the Americans. But later on, the Americans adopted the Roman Catholic Christianity after its invasion in the Philippines on July 4, 1946. Another is the establishment of the Iglesiani Cristo Church by Felix Manalo. And Jehovah’s Witnesses started to preach from one house to another. 3. Economic and Livelihood -The economic development of the Philippines under the Americans can be attributed to free trade relations that the Americans imposed upon the country. Philippine products were also allowed to enter American markets free of duty within quota limits. 4. Arts, Culture and Tradition -Filipino people began to adopt the American fashion statement using hats, long sleeved clothes and long sleeved polo inside it with matching neck ties for men. Another is the art of Oil Paintings which is the process of painting with pigments that are bound with a medium of drying oil. Red Blood Paint was also introduced which is a dark paint, also known as alizarin crimson school. 5. Transportation -A lot of transportation was introduced by the Americans to the Philippines, some are submarine, caretellas, railways, ancient bull carts, cars, etc. 6. Social Structure -Americans introduced the three class-models which includes the rich (wide array of elite groups), middle class (ambiguously defined social classes) and the poor (group that suffers from poverty). 7. System of Education -Schools were built for the Filipino citizen that teaches about the good formation including the rights and responsibilities of each person. American Colonial Policy – They promised to train the Filipinos in Democracy and Self-Government. They want the Philippines to stand on its own as a free and independent nation. – They shared power with the Filipinos in the government. Human Rights were protected. They developed the economy, improved hygiene and sanitation, and introduced the public school system. Contribution of Americans to the Philippines 1. Ecomonic Progress: – Population Explosion – New Land Policy – Agriculture Increase – Free Trade America – Business Flourished – New Industries – Improvements of Transportation and Communication – Better Budget – New Banks – International Exhibitions and Meetings Economic Problems( NEGATIVE) – We sold our raw materials cheap and bought expensive manufactured goods from America. – Colonial Mentality – Labor and peasant unrest spread in 1920s and 1930s – American Capitalists and businessmen controlled the new companies. – Filipino values like â€Å"pagmamano†was replaced by saying HI or HELLO. – Filipino food like â€Å"bibingka and suman†were replaced by American food like hotdog and French fries. Other American Contributions – Religious Freedom – Training in Democracy – Free Education – Better Health Service – Introduction of the English Language – Free Press – Democratic Family Life and Social Classes – Emancipation of Women – Recreation, Movies, Theater, Arts and Science ______________________________________________________________________________ Contribution of Spanish to the Philippines – Education- Science – Entertainment – Agriculture- Manner of Dressing- Architecture – Spanish Names (Trece Martires, La Trinidad,Aurora, La Union,Nueva Ecija) – Arts, Music and Literature (folk dance) – Language(nanay/nantl, tatay/tatle,abokado/avocado) – Religion(roman catholic) – Food (afritada,Estopado,Escabeche, pastel de lengua) – Spaniards introduced different forms of entertainment like: – Cockfighting- Flores de Mayo – Moro- moro- Santacruzan – Zarzuela- Duplo – Balagtasan- Different form of card games Reasons for Colonization: The 3 Gs (Spanish) GOD – the conversion of natives to Christianity GOLD- accumulation of gold or wealth GLORY- supremacy of spain over potugal as a superpower Social and Cultural Influences of the Spanish – The natives refused to cast off their indigenous cultural heritage and accommodated European art, literature, rituals and practices only after some modification. – Use of Gregorian calendar – Alphabet- dressing- burial pratices- wedding practices – Changes in names- adoption of fiesta-cuisine – western architecture (cottas or fortress, churches †modified Romanseque style†, antillen house – Language( chavacano,cebuano) – Literature – Painting (Juan Luna and Felix Resurreccion Hidalgo) – Sculpture (retablos, relleves â€Å"carved images in relief†) – Graphic arts (estampas, La Illustraccion Filipina) Negative features of the Spanish Colonial Government in the Philippines The indigenous population was relocated into settlements while conquistadors, friars and native nobles were granted estates in exchange for their services to the King, They were given the privilege to collect tribute from its inhabitants. In return, the encomienda were to provide military protection to the inhabitants; however, the system was abused and was largely replaced by administrative provinces by 1700. The encomienda system of government used by Spain was disliked by the inhabitants, which resulted in uprisings. A system of forced labor was also a result of the encomienda system of government. Encomienda – was a legal system that was employed mainly by the Spanish crown during thecolonization of the Americas to regulate Native American labor.
Friday, November 8, 2019
John Keegan, a modern military historian Essay Example
John Keegan, a modern military historian Essay Example John Keegan, a modern military historian Paper John Keegan, a modern military historian Paper Essay Topic: History Field Marshal Haig was the most important person during World War One. There are many different views on his competence, character and leadership qualities of both past and present leading up to his victory in 1918. Despite being victorious, there are many flaws and events of which Haig was at fault for during the war. On one hand you have the incompetent, criminal, immoral donkey view of Haig supported by historians such as John Laffin, and on the other you have a competent, man of his time, innovative resourceful supported by historians such as Garry Sheffield and John Keegan. Ultimately I will prove which view is most accurate; using the sources and my own knowledge I will provide sufficient evidence to support John Keegans suggestion that Haig was an efficient and highly skilled soldier. On the subject of Haigs performance in the Battle of the Somme, Keegans views seem to be somewhat limited. Other historians such as John Laffin argue that Haig should be seen as an incompetent and inflexible. His initial bombardment tactics were flawed, in that the Germans were easily managed to attack the British troops. There was insufficient barrage, attacking on too wide and deep a front. He displayed obstinacy in adhering to fixed plans regardless of the facts, even at the price of destroying his own armies. This is shown in source D. Source D is a view of Haig in the form of a cartoon entitled Your Country needs me, from General Haigs Private War; The cartoon suggests to us that Haig was arrogant, and this is almost certainly true in that he failed to adapt to changed conditions of attack, for example when the initial bombardment at the Somme failed he continued with the same tactics best epitomizing his inexperience and arrogance. However the usefulness of this source is unconvincing- it is only the view of one person, the cartoonist, and not of the general public. There is however some powerful evidence to support the view of Keegan, in particular sources K and H. Source K an article by S. Warburton, published in Hindsight:GCSE Modern History Review in April 1998 says that Haig was the best man for the job at the time. Haig was the product of his time, of his upbringing, education, and training and previous military experience. In perspective, the criticism Haig receives seems harsh and unjustified because the British casualties were the same as the Germans and French. Source H, shows us that Haigs perseverance in continuing the battle of the Somme, despite the heavy losses proved to be the correct option. Source H, from the official biography Haig, by Duff Cooper says, To have refused to fight then and there would have meant the abandonment of Verdun to its fate and the breakdown of co-operation with the French. However the sources accuracy and reliability is dubious because Cooper was asked by Haigs family to write it, so hes bound to put Haig in a good light. Having said that, it can also be argued that perhaps Haig shouldnt have continued with a full blooded attack. Source E is a diary of the events in the battle written by Haig himself. On 1st July 1916 he reports that the battle was going to plan on the first day of battle, the battle is going very well for us and already the Germans are surrending freely. In stark contrast the first day of the Somme was the complete opposite- it was a disaster. In fact the whole of the Somme was a disaster- Haig gained so little territory that, after the battle he had only just about gained the amount of land that he had planned on the first day. Showing us that he was over confident, naive and extremely optimistic. In relation to the source itself, the reports were written by General Haig himself, so he was bound to say all went well, to make himself look good; this source is very unreliable and is of no use to any historian as it is factually incorrect amongst other things. Overall on the issue I would say that although Haigs perseverance in continuing the battle of the Somme, the manner in which he did portrays him as an incompetent, criminal, immoral donkey. Despite the British, French and German Casualties being the same, I think the amount of men who died in the battle could have decreased a lot if Haig had adjusted his tactics and not been so over confident; for that reason I think the phrase Butcher of the Somme is justified to some extent. Therefore Keegans case is somewhat mostly naive and inaccurate, although there is some evidence that proves otherwise; the things Haig did wrong in the battle far outweigh suggestions that he was an efficient and highly skilled leader who did much to lead Britain to victory. On the subject of Haigs communications in relation to politicians, generals and soldiers, Keegans view appears to be correct to some extent. He was under extreme pressure to win the war quickly, by his political masters, by a vociferous med ia, and by the determination of the British Public, there was no path to victory on offer and he was rushed into action on many occasions. One must take into consideration the role John Charteris played in the battle of the Somme. He fed wrong and inaccurate information to Haig. General Haig allowing him to do so time and time again inevitable had all the blame put on him. However, Haig abortive attitude towards General Rawlinson is perhaps ultimately his greatest downfall. Keegan is not supported by the weight of evidence in source Ei, Haig understands and notifies the idea that there will be a lot of deaths during the battle and tells the British population to accept any losses with indulgence. No superiority of arms and ammunition, however great, will enable victories to be won without the sacrifice of mens lives. Haig in due course contradicts himself in this understanding; when original tactics incorporated by Haig were failing, (by taking as much ground as possible moving the artillery so that the guns and shells could defend the ground taken) he refused to accept Rawlinsons plans to adapt to a bite and hold stra tegy- adding insult to injury as they say, this tactic was used later on in the war and it proved a great success. This in return suggests that Haig was ignorant and very dismissive of other Generals plans; his arrogance led him to believe that his tactics were the best. As shown in source F, stem from his belief that he had been chosen by God to serve his country. Presenting to us that he was over confident and optimistic, in spite of the amount of men lost as he constantly sent thousands of men to war and to their deaths, having no real effect. Notwithstanding Haigs obvious mistakes during battles, the view that he was incompetent and an immoral donkey is groundless and dubious. Evidence suggesting otherwise is best revealed in source C. Earl Haig, the son of Field Marshal Haig says that Haig should be credited for his victories, after all victory in the war was the main aim, and that views that he was the butcher of the Somme have only come about in modern times. the victories he achieved in the First World War which brought the war to an end. This is true and supportive of Keegans view because Haig is the most successful war general in the history of Britain. Earl Haigs opinion that Haigs is portrayal as a callous, uncaring man has only come about of recent times is also correct. Using my own knowledge, when Haig died, 100,000 troops shot at his coffin whilst 30,000 followed him to his burial. Therefore Keegans case is largely proper and correct; the evidence suggests that Haig shared a good relationship with his troops and that views that he was the butcher of the Somme are harsh and seemingly unjustified. Although the source must be questioned as it was written by Earl Haig, Generals Haig son, so he is bound to write good things about his father. Overall, the idea that Haig was the butcher is true to some extent. His failure to listen to General Rawlinson and allow John Charteris to make mistake after mistake is his biggest downfall. Had he listened to Rawlinson, the battle of the Somme could have been less disastrous in that fewer men would probably have been lost. However, in spite of this amongst other things sources, in source G, David Lloyd George, Prime Minister of Britain at the time says My only justification is that Haig promised not to press the attack if it became clear that he could not attain his objectives by continuing the offensive. Showing that Lloyd-George did trust Haig, despite both men holding grudges against one another. Ultimately, Haig did share good relationships and shows commitment to the war effort, despite claims he was the butcher of the Somme. In perspective, qualms about his relationship with other generals are improper because he learned form his mistakes, and won many battles throughout 1917 to 1918. His aim was to win the war, and he did. Haig is extensively regarded as being a technophobe during the war years. Although he was loyal and devoted to using traditional cavalry during the war, despite being a failure on many occasions, labeling him a technophobe is unsubstantiated, fallacious and unwarranted. He was an enthusiastic supporter of air power and introduced tanks to the war together with modern artillery- used to great effect. Artillery became much bigger and was more accurate, technologically the British were far more sophisticated than the Germans. It is the way in which Haig incorporated this advances into his tactics that undermine his demise. Source J underlines Haigs involvement in technology. A war veteran recalls a meeting with Haig in 1915, Germans started shelling Haig went round and asked me questions, and then even talked about camouflage from the air. This source is very reliable as the person quoted actually fought in the war and therefore Keegans case is largely supported in terms of technology. Having evaluated Haigs performance on a variety of key issues and over the whole period of his command, my overall conclusion is that Haig was the right man for the job during the war. Many historians argue that he sent troops to their deaths, but in actual fact, there were fewer deaths in the British army than in the French or Germans. He made a number of serious errors, but he managed to learn from his mistakes. However Sir Douglas Haigs job was to win the war, and despite the countless amount of deaths, he did. Therefore, Keegans view is to be frank, correct, although it does have it limitations and drawbacks, the successes Haig masterminded in the war far outweigh the losses.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Criminal Justice Research Essays
Criminal Justice Research Essays Criminal Justice Research Essay Criminal Justice Research Essay The educational system in America is deteriorating, which has lead students to failure and unrealized potential. Conversely, in Mike Roses essay, I Just Wanna Be Average he describes not only the problems with Vocational Education, but the effects it has on kids who spend their entire educational career in Voc. Ed. In Michael Moores essay, Idiot Nation he argues that the failures of the educational system and the lack of financing has been caused by the politics and the people who vote for them. Moore’s essay is more persuasive because he adopts a tone dripping with sarcasm and true passion for his cause. Mike Rose, in his anecdotal essay on education, describes not only the problems with Vocational Education, but the effects it has on students who spend their entire educational careers in these types of classes, who like himself, as a result of a high standardized test score allowed to take higher-level classes with more competent teachers. He illustrates these points by describing coping mechanisms that students develop to make up for their lack of a (real education). He also states that those who are knowledgeable, that they are (in the bottom) of the class, will be for the rest of their lives. Instead of receiving a higher education than average to make up for their learning disabilities, they receive a less-than-average education from under-qualified teachers. Rose also points out that the impact a teacher has on his or her students is very powerful. He states students will float to the mark you set (164) students will work harder if their teachers set the standards high. Throughout his excerpt, Rose shows through numerous examples that teachers are a vital part to a student’s success in life. Seeing Rose’s credibility in his story this quote was mentioned â€Å"I see nothing (in proposed regulations) for people striving for higher standards†meaning that he doesn’t see any reasoning to put all these rules and situations on someone’s plate if they are trying to better themselves or pushing for higher standards. Rose also clearly believes that every single student have a right and can reach their maximum potential, and rise to heir own expectations Rose’s purpose, therefore, is to bring to light the problems with this program and others like it to try to catalyze some change. He appeals to his audience by using cutting expression usage and conveying through irony and emotional appeal. Moore brings to light his view on the failures of the educational system and the lack of financing that has been caused from Pol iticians as well as American corporations contribute to the decline in education. His first major line of attack is the failed United States education system. Taking educational institutions at the federal municipal to a private level. Lamenting libraries without adequate books and modernized computer devices. Naming some United States Presidents that lacked knowledge of world geography. Arguing that the most powerful leader in the free world (an American president) should be knowledgeable about all 200 non-aligned and United Nations confederation member states. Moore mesmerizes his audience by presenting horrifying facts about the â€Å"state of stupidity in this country†(156). The facts that Moore presents are very effective due to the shocking nature of them. Early in the text Moore illustrates his point presenting, â€Å"There are forty-four million Americans who cannot read and write above a fourth-grade level- in other words, who are functional illiterates†(154). This stuns the reader, who would have ever thought that in a country like this, that many Americans could be, well stupid. He goes on to give another statistic that Americans, on average, read only 99 hours a year and watch television 1,460 hours a year. By throwing these astonishing facts at the reader early on, Moore builds up the trust of his readers and also holds their attention. Teachers are evaluated yearly in most municipalities. Tenured teaching career are being phased out. Therefore, Moore combines logical and emotional appeals when speaking on the devastating nature of the condition of some of America’s schools. Throughout the text, Moore uses harsh diction to get his point across. To some readers this may be offensive but when combined with the facts that Moore presents it makes his argument more convincing and powerful. The techniques Moore uses to make his argument convincing are very effective. The logical and emotional appeals as well as his harsh diction persuade the reader to agree with Moore in his argument on the stupidity and ignorance of the nation.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Could terrorists aquire Weapons of Mass Destruction and how Essay
Could terrorists aquire Weapons of Mass Destruction and how significant is the threat of them being used - Essay Example Most of these terrorist groups have sought to obtain the weapon of mass destruction. Al-Queda is the only terrorist group still pursuing to have WMD. The possibility of terrorist groups acquiring WMD is higher through former Soviet Union and due to the distribution of information and technology. The threat is evident with countries budgeting for prevention and response to these attacks. Most of the terrorists groups’ intentions changed from politics to the ability to kill a large number of people evident through actions of Al-Queda hence need WMD. Al-Queda is the leading group in the search to have WMD that is in line with the group’s goal of killing a large number of people in each attack. Al-Qaeda’s goal is evident from 9/11 attack and aborted attacks on the same day. Their ability has tremendously increased in the past due to their economic capability and availability of relevant information. However, the ability to acquire nuclear weapon may be lower due to technology requirements, unavailability of materials to build one and regulation in its acquisition. The terrorist groups have no option but use the improvised explosives in their attacks. The CIA shares the same idea that terrorist groups have lesser chances of acquiring WMD. Many terrorist groups including Aum Shinrikyo, Al-Queda and associates have in the past pursued WMD (Mowatt-Larssen, 2010, p 1). Strict regulations are among the factors impeding these groups from having the weapons. Even with these regulations, some terrorist groups like Al-Queda have made much progress in the process of acquiring WMD. The main goal of Al-Queda is to acquire nuclear weapon emanate from the message of the former leader Osama bin Laden. Other groups find it challenging and resort to using weapons including explosives that are easy to acquire. The accessibility to WMD by the terrorist groups is still hard, but some groups may acquire these weapons in future. The threat
Friday, November 1, 2019
Morgan Motor Company Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Morgan Motor Company - Assignment Example The profile of the Production manager shows that he is not trained in the techniques of production. Mere knowledge will be of no use unless one knows how to do things in sequence at a fast enough rate of speed so that out put is maximised and prices are made competitive. This is one example of how company is run as far labour recruitment is concerned. Hence the company to move forward from its century old stagnation, must implement Human Resource Development policies and train the existing labour force including supervisors and managerial level to work at optimum efficiency levels on par with current management practices and recruit new hands following scientific management methods. Besides, stocking pattern of raw materials is not in accordance with norms of working capital management. There should be forecast of raw materials and components required so that stock are maintained at optimum levels to ensure against locking of capital in non and slow moving items which can result in n on availability of funds for the much needed components for lack which production might have been held up and labour force in all other divisions will also be idling as a result. The company seems to believe in long waiting list of customers as a status symbol of its products in demand and also ensure future production. It simply believes that if the order book is full and customers are made to wait indefinitely under some false notions, the company's future is guaranteed and product's prestige is enhanced. . The only USP of the car is that its components are hand made and there are enthusiastic car lovers around to take care of the company's future. These are false notions and in modern management thinking, overflowing order book is an index of company's inefficiency and poor management. It is not the case that overflowing order book is seasonal and hence expansion for the purpose is inadvisable. The company's ability to produce cars is not more than 500 per year but the demand is much more going by the overflowing order book. It can be still higher if only deliveries are prompt which potential company has failed to realise. It is also difficult to digest that the company has not installed computer for use in its day to day management. These days, lack of computer is a serious handicap for any business or for that matter any one as the computer can give up-to-the-minute if not second update on stocks position, bills payable and receivable positions which are crucial for working capital management and accounting information such as Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account will show if the company is running profitably or at loss and how much it has earned or lost. so as to make future planning practicable instead of planning in darkness. Besides CADD is completely absent in the company's dictionary. There is no R & D arrangement to keep innovating and stay ahead in the market. The company's obsession with old traditions and hand made cars should not stand in the way of innovations since they need not be at the cost of old traditions and hand made cars concept. Like old wine in a new bottle, the hand made car can still be made with innovative concepts and achieve cost cutting and fuel efficiency. The ancient form of ayurveda system of medicine is now taught under modern conditions. Stethoscopes, imaging technologies are now used in
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