Tuesday, May 26, 2020
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Paper on Sale Secrets That No One Else Knows About A Secret Weapon for Paper on Sale Moreover we've got the most reasonable rates for such qualitative academic papers as we supply you with. Quality Research Papers Our Research Paper for Sale will make certain you get value for every single dollar spent. Bigger books have at least 100 sheets of paper to hold thorough info, such as class notes. Before you use up all your paper, take a look at paper deals to maximize your spending power. It's also simpler if you use paper that's white on a single side and patterned or colored on the other. Paper on Sale and Paper on Sale - The Perfect Combination Utilizing a writing service is the best approach to have a well-written essay to use as a guideline to make sure the essays you write are hitting all the vital points and are at the appropriate depth necessary for your academic grade. In order to ensure our writers endeavor to supply high-quality papers and to see that the client was served to her or his expectations, we've got a revision policy. It seems beautiful at the moment and I'll update my review if there's any problems but I would say buy this today! Whispered Paper on Sale Secrets There's just something about a fantastic toilet paper deal that's SO exciting! However many bat hrooms you might have in your house, you'll have the ability to stock up without costing too much. Relish your savings and have a terrific weekend! Simply share this product with your pals and family and make affiliate revenue for every single purchase made. Paper on Sale Fundamentals Explained That's the reason why we've collected a helpful batch of them right here in order to secure you shopping. It's also worth noting that the value of the tissue paper is understood when the product has gone from the industry or production has stalled for whatever reason. Maintaining this sort of inventory can minimize the quantity of times that staff must reorder or resupply the restroom. In busy households the bathroom is nearly always in use and you might discover that stocking lots of toilet tissue paper will eliminate the demand for inconvenient shopping trips. For instance, some dispensers require rolls with a bigger core. Not only is toilet paper readily available in huge quanti ties, it offers lots of qualities to maximize your comfort. Wipes can be found in many of distinct forms of packaging, including tubs, large resealable pouches and little resealable travel pouches. Stick on the previous piece and you will see that the star does not quite look right. Cut out 8 pieces for each and every star that you want to make. The kind of star that we're making is called the Star of Redemption. The completed star appears a whole lot more interesting, however, if you decide on various papers in a color range. The Argument About Paper on Sale After you locate a service you prefer, don't neglect to look at my review of it. Customers currently using tokens and paper transfers will obtain the very same fare discounts by utilizing the Travel Wallet feature on a SEPTA Key Card with the extra convenience and benefit having the ability to register their Key Card to safeguard against loss or theft. In this manner, you are going to be in a position to relish cheap rates while buying research papers online. Order a custom made APA format paper for sale online at reasonable price and find an opportunity to redeem your grades. The Ultimate Paper on Sale Trick Shop here and you're certain to be a gift wrap guru very quickly. Check out the way you can spend less on those products with these Scott coupons! You may never have sufficient bath tissue and Dollar General is ready to aid with lots of bulk toilet paper at discount costs. Shop now for the paper products that you want to help your company and home run smoothly. For office and school paper goods, you will save if shop back-to-school sales or elect for bigger quantities. Always use a Scott toilet paper coupons when purchasing any of these so you don't need to spend more than you want to. These great resolution downloads, which stationery manufacturers use to create their merchandise, are precisely what you require. Discover your toilet paper choices to discover the proper product for your household today. Today's toilet paper rolls come in various sizes, so locating the ideal fit for your household is straightforward. Since messes happen all the moment, especially when you have kids, pick up some Scott paper towels! It's almost enjoy a simpler version of origami because there are only a little amount of folds that you should make. Some people would rather use wipes as opposed to toilet tissue in the restroom.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Impact Engel v. Vitale Had On Prayer in Schools
What authority, if any, does the U.S. government have when it comes to religious rituals like prayers? The Engel v. Vitale Supreme Court decision of 1962 deals with this very question. The Supreme Court ruled 6 to 1 that it was unconstitutional for a government agency like a school or government agents like public school employees to require students to recite prayers. Heres how this ultimately important church vs. state decision evolved and how it ended up before the Supreme Court. Fast Facts: Engel v. Vitale Case Argued: April 3, 1962Decision Issued: June 25, 1962Petitioner: Steven I. Engel, et alRespondent: William J. Vitale, Jr., et alKey Question: Does recitation of a nondenominational prayer at the beginning of the school day violate the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment?Majority Decision: Justices Warren, Black, Douglas, Harlan, Clark, and BrennanDissenting: Justice StewartRuling: Even if the prayer is not nondenominational nor is participation mandatory, the state cannot sponsor prayer in public schools. Engel v. Vitale and the New York Board of Regents The New York State Board of Regents, which had supervisory power over New York public schools began a program of â€Å"moral and spiritual training†in the schools which included a daily prayer. The Regents themselves composed the prayer, in what was intended to be a non-denominational format. Labeled the â€Å"To whom it may concern†prayer by one commentator, it stated: Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers and our Country. But some parents objected, and the American Civil Liberties Union joined with 10 of the parents in a suit against the Board of Education of New Hyde Park, New York. Amicus curiae (friend of the court) briefs were filed by the American Ethical Union, the American Jewish Committee and the Synagogue Council of America supporting the lawsuit, which sought to remove the prayer requirement. Both the state court and the New York Court of Appeals allowed the prayer to be recited. Who Was Engel? Richard Engel was one of the parents who objected to the prayer and filed the initial lawsuit. Engel has often said that his name became part of the decision only because it came ahead of the other parents names alphabetically on the list of plaintiffs. Engel and the other parents said their children endured taunting at school because of the lawsuit, and that he and other plaintiffs received threatening phone calls and letters while the suit made its way through the courts. Supreme Court Decision in Engel v. Vitale In his majority opinion, Justice Hugo Black sided substantially with the arguments of the separationists, who quoted heavily from Thomas Jefferson and made extensive use of his â€Å"wall of separation†metaphor. Particular emphasis was placed upon James Madison’s â€Å"Memorial and Remonstrance against Religious Assessments.†The decision was 6-1 because Justices Felix Frankfurter and Byron White did not take part (Frankfurter had suffered a stroke). Justice Stewart Potter was the sole dissenting vote. According to Blacks majority opinion, any prayer created by the government was akin to the English creation of the Book of Common Prayer. The Pilgrims came to America originally to avoid exactly this type of relationship between government and organized religion. In Blacks words, the prayer was â€Å"a practice wholly inconsistent with the Establishment Clause.†Although the Regents argued that there was no compulsion on students to recite the prayer, Black observed that: Neither the fact that the prayer may be denominationally neutral nor the fact that its observances on the part of students is voluntary can serve to free it from the limitations of the Establishment clause. What Is the Establishment Clause? This is the portion of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which prohibits the establishment of religion by Congress. In the Engel v. Vitale case, Black wrote that the Establishment clause is violated regardless of whether there is any â€Å"showing of direct government compulsion...whether those laws operate directly to coerce non-observing individuals or not.†Black pointed out that the decision showed great respect for religion, not hostility: It is neither sacrilegious nor antireligious to say that each separate government in this country should stay out of the business of writing or sanctioning official prayers and leave that purely religious function to the people themselves and to those the people choose to look to for religious guidance. Significance of Engel v. Vitale This case was one of the first in a series of cases in which a variety of religious activities sponsored by the government were found to violate the Establishment Clause. This was the first case which effectively prohibited the government from sponsoring or endorsing official prayer in schools. Engel v. Vitale got the ball rolling on separation of church and state issues in the latter half of the 20th century.
Friday, May 15, 2020
The Tempest by William Shakespeare - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 835 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/07/30 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: The Tempest Essay William Shakespeare Essay Did you like this example? The Tempest by William Shakespeare written in 1610, displays the meaning and value of power. How is power important in this play? Why does everyone need power? Well to begin the main character Prospero has a brother named Antonio who is after his former title as Duke of Milan. The play showcases the extent to which Sebastian, Alonso, and Antonio go to destroy Prospero. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Tempest by William Shakespeare" essay for you Create order All wanting to maintain the title and do whatever it takes to make sure Prospero never gains that power again. Based off an actual event of a shipwreck off Bermuda that was headed to Virginia, The Tempest tells that near a Mediterranean island a strong storm steers a ship that carries King Alonso of Naples his son Ferdinand and brother Sebastian. Returning home from Tunis back to Italy. When the storm hit, their ship was destroyed in the process. Shipwrecked with them is the squire Gonzalo and the Duke of Milan, Antonio. On the island, Prospero and Miranda his fifteen-year-old daughter watched what was happening to the ship. Miranda was worried about the people on the ship but her dad tells her that there okay. He then proceeds to tell her about his past. How they ended up on this island twelve years ago, he started by saying how his brother Antonio forcefully removed him from his title. So Prospero escaped on a boat with little Miranda and his magic books. They traveled to an island and decided to call it home, they found a native his name was Caliban who later became their slave. Prospero knows that his brother is on that ship that is now destroyed, he hopes to finally get revenge. He planned for this to happen, with his magic as a way to get his enemies in one place at once to get what he wanted. As Miranda is sleeping Prospero plots with Ariel, who was trapped f rom a tree on the island by Sycorax ( a wicked witch and mother of Caliban) about his role in the shipwreck and the plan of what to do with the men ashore. They come to shore safely but the king is at a loss for hope when he realizes his son Ferdinand could have drowned during the tragic crash. Ferdinand was on the other side of the island safe. He and Miranda meet and have this instant love connection, her dad is worried for his daughter. He does not want her to fall in love with him so he puts Ferdinand into a cell. While this is all occurring Sebastian and Antonio create a plan to kill the king while he is asleep however Ariel ruins that for them. On another part of the island there is Trinculo who is known as a timid court fool, he finds Caliban who was hiding from spirits and they are both found by Stephano the butler. Now, these three men are very drunk and are still planning to kill Prospero so Stephano can be the lord of the island. Ariel witnesses this take place as he is an invisible spirit and tells Prospero. Both have a plan and go forth, ready to trap the three men. Prosperos first plan was to distract, and so he displayed some fancy clothes which Stephano and Trinculo fell for. Both attracted to gaudy items. When they touched the clothing they were both chased by Spirits in disguise as dogs. After that occurred Ariel brought all the courtiers to the cell. Instead of getting his revenge Prospero forgives each of them and states that he is the right Duke of Milan. His daughter and Ferdinand are engaged to be married in Naples just before the Prosperos goes back to Milan. The ship is said to be safe, not completely damaged and they all head to Naples. Within this play power, control and forgiveness act out a big role. At the beginning Prosperos wanted to get revenge for what his brother did, he wanted control of something he lost a while ago due to his brother. For power, Antonio and Sebastian wanted to kill Prosperos to attain that power that they always wanted. And lastly, for forgiveness, it was easy for Prosperos to forgive because he saw everyone struggle and pay for their transgressions. And so the plot of The Tempest is to kill. Sebastian, Alonsos brother wants to kill him to take the crown and Trinculo, Stephano and Caliban want to kill Prospero so they can take over the island. In conclusion The Tempest written by William Shakespeare tells a story of forgiveness. That in any situation you can overcome it and in the end forgive. Prosperos creating that storm and having them come to that island resulted in more of a positive thing than he anticipated. Instead of revenge his daughter was engaged and they all made peace. Although power was predominantly a strong trait displayed in the play, everyone seemed to have attained a little bit at the end of it leaving them all civil and equal.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Sufficiency Of Popular Theories Like Mao s, An...
In challenging the sufficiency of popular theories like Mao’s, an alternative theory is proposed by the team. In their discussion, they announce â€Å"†¦we have growing evidence that footbinding was a form of labor control to boost the contribution of young girls to handcraft production†¦We think changes in the larger political economy that threw spinners and other handcraft producers out of work explain the cause of footbinding’s demise†(1062, 1063). This novel perspective is the basis for redefining women with bound feet as subjects with industrial capabilities, as opposed to static playthings. Understanding these implications solidifies the multidimensionality of bound feet and high heels. From here, thinking about the effects of the two in numerous contextual relationships begins. Broadening analysis to incorporate both marriage and labor reveals that universal patterns of the patriarchy exist even in distinct environments. Karen A. Callaghan obser ves that â€Å"The gender hierarchy is sustained by beauty norms that define women’s power, self-assertion and worth in terms that reify male dominance†(Callaghan ix). In this sense, boundaries which weaken a woman’s power and self-assertion are examples of universal patterns which coincide with the consolidation of patriarchy. Considering our hierarchal framework, such limitations are understood to produce the effect of relegating women to power niches beneath that of men in the hierarchal chain. Defining how bound feet and high heelsShow MoreRelatedExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words  | 658 Pageswhich have been chosen to enlarge speciï ¬ c issues in the text and/or provide practical examples of how business and public sector organisations are managing strategic issues. The case studies which follow allow the reader to extend this linking of theory and practice further by analysing the strategic issues of speciï ¬ c organisations in much greater depth – and often providing ‘solutions’ to some of the problems or difï ¬ culties identiï ¬ ed in the case. There are also over 33 classic cases on the Companion
Informative Speech Galapagos Islands Outline Essay
Galapagos Islands Purpose: To inform my classmates about the Galapagos Islands. Thesis: The Galapagos Islands are located in the eastern Pacific Ocean, a beautiful and exotic place for your next vacation. Organizational Pattern: Topical I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: Have you guys heard about giant tortoises? They live in the Galapagos Islands, one of the most beautiful places on Earth. B. Relevance: Most college students want to go on vacation once they graduate from college and usually travel within the U.S. Why not travel to an exotic place outside the country?[VISUAL AID] C. Credibility: I lived in Ecuador the country the islands belong to and saw a lot of documentaries about the islands and some of my†¦show more content†¦From June to November the water and air temperature are colder because of the Humboldt Current, this is nutrient water that attracts fish and sea birds. The sky is filled with clouds, wind is stronger and seas a bit rougher.[VISUAL AID] 5. 97% of the land is designated as National Parks. f. Visits can be made only to specific visitor sites with certified naturalist guides. g. The Galapagos National Park monitors visitors and ecological conditions. h. Different sites are known for specific scenery, vegetation and wildlife. Transition: I hope you are all excited about this place by now! B. Planning a trip 6. It’s possible to get to the islands by boat, but mostly all visitors travel by air for convenience. i. Flights depart from the main cities of Ecuador which are Quito and Guayaquil. j. Airlines like TAME and AeroGal offer flights to the islands. The average flight it’s about $425 for a roundtrip. k. There are two main airports in the islands, in Baltra and San Cristobal. l. Upon arrival a fee has to be paid for the park, $100 for adults and $50 for children.[VISUAL AID] 7. Now what items should you bring with you.[VISUAL AID] m. Let’s start off with clothing, bring light clothes
Marketing Management of Target Corporations
Question: Write a report about the conceptualization and implementation of the different types of the marketing strategies. Answer: Introduction The study is intended to give an overview of an organization in terms of the ability to adapt the marketing environment and sustain the business process. The report states about the conceptualization and implementation of the different types of the marketing strategies such as 4 Ps of marketing, porters Generic strategies, STP analysis (Segmentation, targeting positioning) and implementation for eh branding pentagram model. Several other strategies implemented into the project include Ansoffs matrix, Porters 5 forces, SWOT analysis and PEST analysis. The main objective is to study the existing situation in the organization and know about the scope of improvement of the operations. The organization selected for the purpose of the study is Target Corporation. Hence, the implementations of the aforementioned concepts are relevant to retail sector. The analysis of the different types of the management theories shows that Target Corporations will not only be able to improve the present re tail operations but also prioritize its resources for a more sustainable approach in the decision making process (Kotler et al. 2015). Target Corporations, although known for its prominence in the United States and known as the second best discount retailer after Walmart. Target Corporation in Australia is treated as a mid priced departmental store whose operations are controlled mainly by Wesfarmers. Target Australia Pty Ltd. is known to operate in a total of 183 Target stores and total of 125 Target country stores. The main product of the company includes items ranging from branded clothes, electrical items, cosmetics, toys and homeware items. Some of the own brand products under the private label of the company includes grocery brand of products such as Market Pantry, Archer Farms, Sutton Dodge and simply balanced. Some of the re-launched range of the products includes brands such as up up, for the purpose of including expanded range of the products and offer new selection of the grocery products. In the recent times Target Corporations is known to suffer a loss of $5.4 billion in Canada. This was due to the poo rly planned business expansion strategies outside the U.S. The report shows the various types of the scope of improvement for the purpose of meeting the market expansion strategies of Target Corporations (Reuters. 2016). General Discussion The first strategy implemented to study the present analysis of the market situation has been done based on the 4Ps analysis. The present pricing strategy of Target Corporation is directly relevant to the overall pricing strategy of Wal-Mart and hence it acts as a discount retailer. The company has been also able to keep the prices low in the supply chain division of the company. The product division of the company aims to differentiate the product categories based on the focusing on the high-end fashion products cloths and designer cloth designed by the company. The company is further known to bring innovation in the pricing strategies to keep the prices relatively low for higher quality products. The main objective of the company has always been to improve the private brands and provide better customer satisfaction at a marginally higher price. The promotion strategy adopted by the company is aimed target a young category of people who are looking forward to avail a high quality pr oduct and at the same time paying a smaller amount of premium. The promotional strategy adopted by the company also aims to include the several, which aims at the product differentiation strategy in order to compete with other discount retailers such as the Sainsburys and Wal-Mart in a better way. Then a different type of the promotional, theories adopted by the company also aims to achieve the operational objectives. As the present the promotional punch line itself suggest, Expect more pay less. The placement strategies adopted but the company includes the various types of the distributional strategies adopted by the company, which shows the high volumes of product segregation for the company across various areas of the United States and in Canada. The company is further known to operate in more than 4000 stores only in the United States (Sheth and Sisodia 2015). The next strategy implanted to the scope of the present strategies and the scope for the improvement of the target corporations has been studied based on the implantation of porter's generic strategies. As per the implementation of this strategy, the company is presently placed in the integrated position of the cost Leadership and the differentiation strategy. The manner in which Target Corporation places its brand of the products and the introduction of the new formats in then stores is termed as the city target (Kotler et al. 2016). This strategy is seen to be implemented among the urban dwellers of the countries such as the Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco and in the Seattle region. The company is further known to match the competitors and plan for the incentives strategies from the consumers with introduction of the theories such as Red card rewards (Kotler et al. 2015). In order to bring about the several types of the changes in the present marketing strategies the company can change the integrated marketing strategy to include the cost focus, analysis alignment with the product differentiation strategy. In this way, the company will be able to generate more amounts of revenues and target a differentiated class of the consumers. The various types of the differentiation strategies can be implemented in the association of the different business modules. These business modules include the introduction of the different types of the inclusion of the third party brands (Shaw 2012). This will ensure that a Target corporation is able to introduce the different types of the product. The cost focus strategy adopted by Target Corporations will ensure that the company is able to introduce the several types of concepts to narrow the focus of the customer and decreasing the bargaining power of the suppliers. The customers will further observe that the various for ms of the requirement of the requirement of the retail brands o then product are easily available to the costumers (Shakhshir 2014). The improvement in the present marketing situation for the purpose of bringing sustainability in the marketing operation of the company, the AIDA model needs to be implemented. The AIDA model is associated within the attention, interest, desire and the actions, which needs to be taken by the company for the changes in the present marketing standards and techniques. Target corporations need to focus on drawing the attention of the people of all age group and needs to include the different types of the approval of the management needed for the product development. The interest strategy is the most intricate strategy, which the company needs to adopt in the present system of the marketing model. The interest needs to be incorporated through the various types of advertising strategies implemented by the target corporations (Rawal 2013). The present advertising strategies in the devising of business needs to be done based on the selection for the appropriate media and based on the present marketing strategies the company needs to be aware of the different strategies of the marketing in the ecommerce division. The company needs to put an augmented focus on the online promotion for the product should give more amount of focus on the online promo codes of the products and the seasonal discounts provided on the websites of the company. Target Corporations need to further derive the demand of the company by building of buyers desire and need to help them based on providing assistance with the several types of the growing interest amount the different consumers. Then final step of the action needs to be taken based on the several strategies planned for the viability of the project. The action of the company needs to assured on the basis of the planning of the advertising strategies, developing a promotional plan and take the necessary actions for the purpose of devising of the project proposal on the basis of the different types of the strategies implemented for the purpo se of the final approval, of the marketing strategies (Mohammadi and Esmaeili 2013). For the purpose of focusing on the sustainability the company need to be focus on the STP analysis. The STP analysis stands for segmentation, Targeting and positioning of strategies of the company. The segmentation is based on the geographic selection of the new stores which are main located on the Edmonton, Canada, Toronto and Vancouver. The focus should be also made in the areas consisting of the large population. The company should focus more on the segmentation in the Canada due to the presence of the colder climate and the company will be able to deal in more number of the winter clothing. The segmentation should be done in such a way that the company is able to draw then attention in the prime areas ok then stores situated both in the US and Australia, maintained under the Wesfarmers. The company can improve the targeting strategy by the introduction of the concept of the personal selling. The various types of the realistic products marketed by the company can be improved based on door-to-door selling or street selling. The company needs to particularly focus on the effective models, which can be effective to understand the various needs of the customers in form of the upstream selling concept. This can be further used for the purpose of the inter-company sales and driving the profits for the long-term for the purpose of the improved tin the marketing strategies in order to increase the sustainability of the company (Han et al. 2012). The company is already considered as the second largest retailer in the United States. Hence, it needs to position itself in the other countries in such a manner that the customers are able to generate the maximum value from the various types of the availability of the products. The positioning strategy is also based on the implementation of the various strategies related to the various types of the inclusion of marketing activities in Australia. The business setup in the Australia should, further needs to look forward to include the conceptualization of the individual stores as this will promote the culture of the individual products. The marketing management can be further improved for the purpose of the sustainability by the introduction of the branding pentagram model. The various types of the analysis done under this model includes defining of the principles of the branding, maintaining the consistency among the different types of the brand carriers, planning and the control cycle, embedding the brand and the positioning of the brand. Target Corporation needs to understand the different principle of the branding for the purpose of the development of the present scope of growth in the marketing activities. The consistency among the brands of the company needs to be brought by careful, analyses of the competitors such as Wal-Mart, Sainsbury, and Tesco. It needs to compare itself with the different types of the strategies adopted by the competitors. The planning and the control of the company should be done through a careful study of the requirement analysis and to understand the most appropriate strategy adopted for the scope of the marketing growth in the various types of the segment of the company. Target Corporation needs to maintain the marketing cycle through the audit and the analysis, planning of the market alternatives, implementation of the various types, of the strategies and the final step of the planning and the controlling technique should take into account the concept. The embedding of the brand is don e by the identification of the best brand under the private labels of the target corporation. For example, the company can put an augmented focus on the private label brands such as Up Up. The company needs to focus on the positioning of the other popular brands such as Sutton Dodge. Among all the discussed brands, target corporations should make the base of the brands with the bulls eye logo (Cedrick 2014). SWOT Analysis of Target Corporation Strengths Innovative and quality products Competitive pricing among online retailers Superior partnerships with designers Store Appearance Weaknesses Less stores compared to Wal-Mart Increased stock-out rate Decreased visibility in global market Perception of pricing Opportunities Global market expansion Grocery department diversification Involvement in exceptional design partnership Environment friendly initiative Superior private brand advertising Threats Retail sector competition Complex economy Negative consumer word-of-mouth Yearly government taxes and enhancing interest rates Reliance on soft US Market Strengths of Target Corporation indicates that it is among the well-established and renowned brand that is famous among its consumers. In comparison to its retail consumers, the company is considered as a better place to shop and is liked by the target market. Good consumer relationship has built superior brand loyalty. Target Corporation has been able to present itself as middle-class brand and has been capable to attract shoppers through offering fashionable and appealing products (Santos and Laczniak 2015). Weaknesses of Target Corporation indicates that the company remains unsuccessful in tapping specific areas of retail encompassing filling stations and financial services and is not that diversified in comparison to its competitors. It gets vulnerable to economic downturns and altering shopping patterns for retailers. Business model of the company has failed to adapt based on changing market situation and its efforts in e-commerce segments lags behind fierce competitor like Amazon.com (Pealoza et al. 2013). Threats of Target Corporation signifies that its major competitors such as Amazon and Wal-Mart offers extremely low prices and increases shopping convenience. The company is forced to match prices set by its competitors along with developing its e-commerce, as its competitors are far better in reputation with e-commerce consumers. Decreased buying powers of the consumers due to falling income in US have decreased its profitable purchases (Santos and Laczniak 2015). Opportunities of Target Corporation includes enhancing its reputation as a fashion retailer as it has good appeal to online consumers. The company can attract huge consumer segment by developing go-to site for fashion bargains (Wood and Reynolds 2012). Thee company can attract millennial consumers those fall under less disposable income group and are more urban oriented as it has expertise in retailing in renowned urban areas. PEST Analysis of Target Corporation PEST analysis serves as a business tool that evaluates distinct group of external factors, which can affect business and marketing strategies of Target Corporation. Political factor evaluation signifies that the political relationship between US and China has a direct relation on Target Corporations business as most of the companys goods are supplied sourced from China. Issues arising in the political relationship between these countries can affect the companys business operations and if the relationship is smooth, the supply chain can operate effectively at a high level. Issues that might disrupt goods sourcing encompass political and financial instability, trade barriers, costs, tariffs and transport capability (Kim et al. 2012). Economical factor analysis signifies that as a publically traded company the countrys economy plays a vital role in business operations of Target Corporation. Consumers desire for best deals and for continuing to differentiate it from competitors, the company should evaluate recent economic conditions for setting product prices. Economic conditions affect companys earnings along with its consumers that affect their spending habits (Marshall 2014). When the economic conditions are prosperous, the impacts remain positive but when they degrade, it can impose negative impacts on the companys business. Technological factor analysis that is affecting the retail industry indicates that in the current business environment it is necessary to stay aligned with the current technology for remaining competitive. Maintaining information security and possessing the capability to implement technology for attaining a competitive advantage serves as a key to economic success in the current business environment (Bojei et al. 2013). Such force can have a positive impact through allocation of sufficient resources for having the required technology to offer a superior quality consumer and business experience. Conversely, uncertainty of the fact that the systems are subject to interruption and damage from power outages, telecommunication failures, security breaches and malicious attacks can result in negative impact. Social factor evaluation signifies increasing cheap labor availability from immigrants might affect the workers of Target Corporations domestic nation as pay for these workers are relatively lower. For this reason, the company would prefer employing these workers other than locals. With the increasing population of retiree, Target Corporation is facing hard time in recruiting more employees that is decreasing the replacement for retired employees (Pealoza et al. 2013). Porters Five Forces Analysis of Target Corporation Porters five forces analysis will help in identifying and evaluating five competitive forces that shapes the retail industry in which Target Corporation has its business operation and will help in analyzing the industrys strengths and weaknesses and accordingly develop appropriate marketing strategy (Fitzpatrick et al. 2015). Competitive rivalry in the retail industry is high as there are several major competitors like Wal-Mart, Amazon, Costco and Macys. Wall-mart is offering wide variety of goods with low prices and its several locations offers highest convenience level to consumers. To establish itself among the market leaders, the company must develop exceptional value proposition through price, marketing efforts and loyalty programs (Pealoza et al. 2013). Bargaining power of buyers is high due to increased physical and virtual presence of several retailers that makes it easy for shoppers to switch between stores. There are no switching costs, which facilitate consumers to choose places from where they can purchase products depending on prices and convenience (Wood and Reynolds 2012). Target loyalty program along with monitoring buyer trends and spending patterns can help to cater the consumer needs and decrease the chances of switching of buyers. Threat of substitute products is medium, as technological advancements have altered the retail sector in a way that it is not confined to offer quality store experience across distinct channels. Developing appealing website, physical stores and mobile website are vital to address the needs of changing industry and make its consumers enjoy brand experience (Hussain et al. 2013). Bargaining power of suppliers is low in the industry as Target Corporation has strong relationship with its vendors that are effective in creating deals that is of advantage for both the parties and the consumers within their stores. Having both private label and general products available with the other retailers facilitates the company to decide and negotiate the products to keep in stock (Fitzpatrick et al. 2015). Threat of new entrants is low in retail industry. Along with the increased level of competition prevailing in the retail industry, the threat of new entrants faced by Target Corporation remains quite low. This threat is low because several barriers exists like having a well-built reputation, huge proportion of capital, loyal consumer segment, increased suppliers and product ranges (Wood and Reynolds 2012). Ansoff Matrix Analysis of Target Corporation Ansoff matrix also known as product/market expansion grid is considered to provide marketers to offer a quick and simple way to think about growth risks. The risks linked with each aspect of the matrix are evaluated and accordingly a contingency plan is prepared to address the associated business risks. Analysis of this matrix for Target Corporation will help in analyzing business risks and develop product and market growth strategy. Considering the market penetration aspect, it is gathered that the company understands the value proposition of its target customers ensuring appropriate labeling, rapid check out and facilities of car parking. Moreover, the company is successful in attracting increasing number of consumers by offering lowest prices by leveraging economies of scale through enhancement of operational efficiencies. The company is attempting to increase its market share for its existing products through improved marketing efforts. Marketing initiative of Target Corporation includes providing free shipping, target rewards credit card offers with 5% off on each purchase (Hussain et al. 2013). The company has attracted a great consumer segment through offering free holiday soundtrack giveaway. Evaluation of Target Corporations market development aspect, it is gathered that the company has recognized geographical markets in China for new applications of the present products and for the reason that the new consumer segment can be targeted. The Company has opened numerous new super target and target stores that include entry in India and Manhattan (Fitzpatrick et al. 2015). Product development aspect of Target Corporation revealed that the company is attempting to generate consumer financial products by offering limited banking services like banking services like cash checking, credit cards and bill payments. The company ensured to improve services or goods in order to increase sales by adding to its market branded food products and renowned designers exclusive discount collections such as Steven Burrows. To increase popularity of its products in comparison to its products, Target Corporation requires adding fresh produce to its several stores that will encourage its one-stop shopping (Hussain et al. 2013). Diversification aspect of Target Corporation revealed that the company employs private brand labels. Moreover, the company has ensured addition of new and unrelated products or services. Target Corporation has diversified into target commercial interiors in over nine locations and four office stores in over three states with strong online presence (Hussain et al. 2013). Marketing Strategy Recommendations Target Corporation is recommended to increase market expansion into South America where there are increasing middle class consumer segment and the American companies are perceived to have superior quality products. Such strategy will help in improving its sales and international presence. Moreover, the company should focus on innovation, design for generating a competitive advantage by value-creating diversification and maintain quality difference in comparison to its major competitors such as Wal-Mart and Amazon. Continuously finding ways for improving consumers shopping experience is recommended for Target Corporations. This can be done by offing free food samples, implementing price scanners all over its stores and installing store mannequins in order to display recent fashion trends. Moreover, Target Corporation can implement improved re-stocking system for preventing inventory stock-outs. The company is recommended to establish pint-of-sale stocking system and eliminating the chances of human error. Through implementation of these strategies, the company will be able to maintain stocking system extremely fast and in a cost efficient manner. Target Corporation is recommended to develop employee incentive plans that would decrease employee turnover maintain valuable human capital. This can be done by recognizing improvements for employee hiring and training standards. Additionally, engaging in vertical integration strategy by continuously providing private-label brands such as Archer Farms by focusing on cost and quality can support its growth strategy. Implementation of transactional strategy might help in revaluating Target Corporations international expansion strategy within Canadian markets. The company is recommended to enter the market with limited stores and introducing them to new consumers. For this expansion to be successful, market entry of the company should be done by choosing convenient locations for customers and facilitate its brand to become highly visible to them. Conclusion The objective of the paper was to evaluate the marketing management of Target Corporation and recommend suitable marketing strategies. From the evaluation, it was gathered that the company remains unsuccessful in tapping specific areas of retail encompassing filling stations and financial services and is not that diversified in comparison to its competitors. With the increasing population of retiree, Target Corporation is facing issues in recruiting more employees that is decreasing the replacement for retired employees. The 4Ps analysis indicated that the main objective of the company has always been to enhance the private brands and offer better customer satisfaction at a higher price. The company recognized the necessity to match prices set by its competitors along with developing its e-commerce, as its competitors are better in reputation with e-commerce consumers. Decreased buying powers of the consumers because of falling income in the nation have decreased its profitable purchases. Considering the issues, recommendations was provided that includes various types of the distributional strategies to be implemented by the company, which signifies the high volumes of product segregation for the company across several areas of the United States and in Canada. The company is recommended to launch point-of-sale stocking system and eradicate the chances of human error that would improve its service quality. Reference List Bojei, J., Julian, C.C., Wel, C.A.B.C. and Ahmed, Z.U., 2013. The empirical link between relationship marketing tools and consumer retention in retail marketing.Journal of Consumer Behaviour,12(3), pp. 171-181. Cedrick, B.Z.E., 2014. Why a Middle Income Country is Experiencing a Booming Auto Industrial Development: Evidence from China and its Meaning for the Developing World. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Giotto di Bondone Example For Students
Giotto di Bondone Biography Outline1 Biography2 Key Ideas in painting3 Famous Paintings3.1 â€Å"The Lamentation†3.2 â€Å"The last judgement†Biography Giotto is an Italian painter, founder of protorenesissa. Originally, he is from Cole da Vespignano in Tuscany. He studied at the Ciampayo workshop (between 1280 and 1290), he worked mainly in Florence (where since 1334 he directed the construction of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore and the city fortifications) and Parma. At the beginning of the 14th century, Giotto visited Rome. The name of Giotto is connected with a new stage of the development of Italian and European art (Protoranesians), the discontinuance of Italian Florence with medieval artistic canons and the traditions of the so-called Italian-Byzantine art, as well as frescoes. Giotto is rightly considered to be the father of European painting, the founder of realism. Numerous disciples, followers, and imitators of the renowned master expanded its influence to many cultural centers of Europe. His biography was commented by Boccaccio, who believed that he could by right be called one of the lights of Florentine glory. The painter is not only wonderful but also beautiful, whose glory is great among the artists, – Boccaccio said. Giotto di Bondone was born in Vespignano, near Florence, probably in 1267, and as it’s known, he has died in 1337 at the age of seventy. According to Vasari, Giotto was the son of a farmer. There is one story known about him. Once, glorified painter Cimabue, who was walking along the road from Florence to Vespignano, saw the herds of a boy who drew a sheep on a smooth stone. Chimabye took him to his students, and, after some time, the student surpassed the teacher. Together with Cimabee, Giotto went to Rome for the first time around 1280 and then visited Assisi. Apparently, at the end of the 80s, a young artist married Jundo di Lapo del Spialla, who had four daughters and four sons. Giotto had the most average, vague look small growth, ugly. In the stories of that time, Giotto acts as a wise man and a joker. Painter spent the next years in Assisi, where he participated in the painting style of the Upper Church of San Francesco. His earliest works include some frescoes on the theme of the Old and New Testaments, in the upper zone of the walls of the longitudinal nave. These paintings were made in the first half of the nineties. It’s believed that during that time Giotto traveled to Rome for a while, where he was impressed by the Cavalline’s paintings and early Christian mosaics. Key Ideas in painting Giotto di Bondone didn’t understand the laws of the prospect, didn’t study the human anatomy, the figures on its frescoes didn’t correspond to their size landscapes. But the three-dimensional world voluminous and tangible is open again, triumphantly approved by the brush of the artist. The symbolism of Byzantine art was rejected. The painter used the simplicity. Nothing superfluous, the attention of the artist in famous paintings is focused on the main and gives a synthesis, a grand generalization. The acquaintance of Giotto with the late antique artwork and the works of Pietro Cavallini contributed to the development of his creative method, the creation of such an outstanding monument of Protoniansansan painting, like the artwork of the Capella del Arena (Skroveniy) in Padua (1304-1308). The Giotto Frescoes, dedicated to the life of Mary and Christ, located on the walls of three horizontal rows, are distinguished by the dramatic and vital convincing images, the bold construction of space, the almost sculptural mold of plastic volume, the simplicity and at the same time the expressiveness of gestures and angles, bright, festive coloring and unique style. .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212 , .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212 .postImageUrl , .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212 , .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212:hover , .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212:visited , .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212:active { border:0!important; } .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212:active , .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212 .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Ivan ShishkinThe work of Giotto was distinguished by the enormous graphics power and dramatic expressiveness of his images. The impact on the viewer was stronger, the more natural and realistic were the artistic techniques of Giotto, who set himself the task of representing a real three-dimensional space constructed on a linear perspective basis. Without a knowledge of the scientific perspective, it would seem that the means of Giotto, seemingly primitive, had reached the unprecedented effect of the art of his time, one of the first to enter the artwork of the interior. At the same time, Giottos second conquest was the creation of plastic, rounded human figure, and each of his depicted figures possessed purely material merit and, by virtue of this profound vitality, realistic conviction. The most famous paintings of the master are: â€Å"Adoration of the Magi†, â€Å"Dante Alighieri†, â€Å"Madonna in Glory†, â€Å"Massacre of the Innocents†, â€Å"Nativity: Birth of Jesus†, as well as â€Å"The Lamentation†and â€Å"The last judgement†you’ll read about below. Famous Paintings â€Å"The Lamentation†The frescoes of the Italian painter and architect Giotto marked the birth with the discovery of a completely different page in the narrative of art history. Until the heyday of his work, Italian sculptors followed the rules of medieval and Roman antique drawings traditions. Giottos architecture breaks the connection with the technique of painting the past up to the complete refusal to follow its laws. Florentines believe that the famous master has crossed the threshold in the new era of art. The general emotional background of the painting The Lamentation is the ingenious artistic reception of Giotto. All participants of the event are involved in the occurrence, and the position of their bodies, the details are drawn by the folds of clothing, the ratio of dimming and illuminated areas create an incredibly realistic spatial depth of the artwork. In the focus of the drawing, there are the reduced faces of the murdered Christ and the Mother. It’s precisely in this center of the greatest emotional stress that all objects and characters of the canvas are comfortably directed. The views of the heavenly and terrestrial participants of the sorrowful scene are visually and mentally immersed in the events. â€Å"The last judgement†In the center of â€Å"The last judgement,†in an oval frame supported by angels, Jesus sits in all his splendor. To the left and to the right sit the apostles, each on a separate throne (the most luxurious throne belongs to the apostle Peter). There are the angels arms above them, the slender ranks of the heavenly host. The most interesting are two separate angelic figures under the very vault. They proclaim the discovery of the New Jerusalem and, as it were, wrap the edges of the canvas or parchment, emphasizing the illusory nature of what is happening. It can be interpreted in two ways. Either all the earthly manifestations are illusory before the higher heavenly reality. Or Giotto alludes to us that everything he wrote on the wall of the Scrovegni Chapel, with all the naturalism, is just art of architecture and Florence.
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